13: Melatonin and Sodium: Potassium significance & Keeping perspective

🧠 #brainhealth 🧠✨

At the root of healing, the first step is to balance the nervous system and get back to a normal natural biological cycle between cortisol and melatonin production.

The opposite of the stress hormone (cortisol) is melatonin.  In functional medicine, we look at everything in ratios and balance.

Most of society is in a cortisol dominance, sympathetic nervous system SNS, or chronic Fight Flight stress-based state.  

Often this state of being is very unconscious because we get used to this "just a way of life" mindset.

Here are 3 lifestyle steps that you can implement TODAY to regulate your natural biological rhythms.

1. Set consistent wake and sleep times.
2. Wear blue light blocker glasses (amber glasses) starting at 6:30pm daily.
3. Create an electronic power-down (sunset) in your home.  Switch off electronics, wifi, screens ideally a few hours before the set sleep time (step 1). Opt for (unscented natural) candle light or the soft glow of salt lamps.

7 days a week might be a stretch.  Everything starts in levels and graduated steps.  Aim for one day and one thing and build forward. 

Consistent action and consciousness over time. 🔑✨

2. Mineral Balance: Potassium to Sodium

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The 4 Minerals: Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium need to be balanced to maintain proper bodily systems.

WHYs: Potassium needs to be balanced with Sodium:

❤️Circulatory - Helps lower heart rate, dilate arteries, and reduces blood pressure

🚽 Digestive - Keeps things moving properly 

🍠 Metabolic - Needed in carbohydrate metabolism

💪 Muscular - Contraction (prevents cramping)

🧠 Nerve and sensory activity

A low potassium dietary (unbalanced diet) intake can contribute to low levels of potassium in the body.  Long-term use of diuretics, laxatives, licorice, as well as, tobacco and excess caffeine can all be factors that deplete potassium and interfere with absorption. 

Signs of Potassium Deficiency:

  • Allergies

  • Constipation

  • Fatigue

  • Irregular Heart Beat

  • Low blood Sugar (hypoglycaemia)

  • Low or High blood Pressure

  • Muscle Weakness

  • Skin Problems

  • Water Retention

  • Sweet Cravings

  • Salt Cravings

Signs of Excess Potassium:

  • Depression, mental

  • High blood sugar (diabetes)

  • Muscle spasms

  • Muscle weakness

🥥*note: Coconut water is super high in potassium, but if you are deeply fatigued it may be too much (not balanced) add sea salt to it.

🌴If you have high blood pressure = we often use 16oz. x2/day fresh pressed green juice for 30 days + coconut water. 

Monitor your blood levels before and after with your primary health care physician to see how diet and lifestyle are directly related. It takes about 90-120 days to see results.

Tracking and measuring results are 🔑 key to long-term and long-lasting habits.

3. Mindset: The Natural Healing Process is not linear.

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