
8 Sleep Hygiene steps that you can implement TODAY to regulate your natural biological rhythms.

At the root of healing, the first step is to balance the nervous system and get back to a normal natural biological cycle between cortisol and melatonin production.

The opposite of the stress hormone (cortisol) is melatonin. In functional medicine, we look at everything in ratios and balance.

Most of society is in a cortisol dominance, sympathetic nervous system SNS, or chronic Fight Flight stress-based state.

Often this state of being is very unconscious because we get used to this "just a way of life" mindset.

Sleep 101 (Rest and Recovery)

1. Set consistent wake and sleep times.
2. Wear blue light blocker glasses (amber glasses) starting at 6:30pm daily.
3. Create an electronic power-down (sunset) in your home. Switch off electronics, wifi, screens ideally a few hours before the set sleep time (step 1). Opt for (unscented natural) candle light or the soft glow of salt lamps.

4. Remove all bluelight and technology from the bedroom and have wifi on a timer. (See 5 easy low-cost steps to remove EMFs and harmonize your environment here.)

5. Install dark blinds.

6. Consider a weighted blanket. I recommend Baloo Weighted Blankets.

7. Set your thermostat to cooler temps overnight. The ideal sleeping temperature is between 60 - 67 Fahrenheit (15.6 - 19.4 degrees Celsius). This may vary from person to person. Consider the chilisleep systems if you are a hot sleeper or if you tend to feel cold at night. The chilisleep can improve your sleep quality and comfort.

8. Track Sleep quality with the Oura Ring.

51: Natural approaches to Cold and Flu Season

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Being healthy and living a long healthy and happy life is first and foremost a lifestyle.   

Maintaining a healthy immune system is the primary way of protecting against an excessive number of colds. If you catch more than one or two colds a year, you may have a weak immune system. To strengthen the immune system, I will be sharing some of the foundational recommendations here today.

A Naturopathic cure has three main components:

1. The elimination of evil habits such as overeating, consuming alcoholic drinks, drugs, coffee, or meat, excessive worry, etc.

2. Corrective habits to regain health including proper breathing, exercise, relaxation, positive mental attitude, in the pursuit of health and wellness.

3. New principles of living which includes the proper selection of food and natural therapies.

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. HOW and WHY alcohol impacts our immune system?

Alcohol dependence (in moderation or over consumption) is probably one of the most serious health problems facing society today. Alcohol:

  • Overloads the detoxification processes, contributes to liver damage, and immune suppression

  • Produces chemical stress on the body

  • Increases oxidative stress because it contributes to the depletion of critical antioxidant glutathione. 

  • Increases adrenal hormone output

  • Interferes with normal brain chemistry and normal sleep cycles. 

  • Contributes to nutritional deficiencies: B6, B vitamins, Selenium, glutathione, Zinc, Vitamin A, Antioxidants, imbalanced Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Magnesium

  • Impacts Gut health: the intestinal microflora is severely deranged in moderate to heavy alcohol consumption.

  • Contributes to Hypoglycaemia (disregulated blood sugar) 

Alcohol is often used as an unhealthy calming effect (a Maladaptive coping mechanism) to deal with stress.   

If you want to have a healthy liver, there are three things you definitely want to stay away from: 

Saturated fats, refined sugar, and alcohol. 

Consider following the 3-day Reset as a template which is  designed to stabilize blood sugar, provide a lot of whole food nutrient dense foods that help support your liver, digestion, and ultimately support a healthy functioning immune system. 

2. Love your Lymph: Hydration and Dry Brushing

The lymphatic system, critical to immunity, is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials; Lymph fluid contains white blood cells that are instrumental in fighting infection all throughout the body.

A healthy lymphatic system is key to a healthy body.

  1. Hydrate: Lymph is about 95% water, making water essential for its health.

Drinking plenty of liquids and using a vaporizer help maintain hydration within the respiratory tract which helps repel viral infection while also improving white blood cells function.

The type of liquids you drink is very important. Studies have shown that consuming concentrated sources of sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey, or orange juice greatly reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria. 

Avoid Caffeine and alcohol, both of which have a diuretic effect. 


First morning exercise such as jump rope or jumping on a small trampoline/rebounder can help get the lymph moving.  There is no pump within the lymphatic system like in the cardio vascular system, so exercise and moving the body is the only way to get it flowing.

3. Dry brushing

Dry brushing helps move the lymph to naturally detox through lymphatic drainage, exfoliate the skin, and clean pores.  In dry brushing, the skin is typically brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing toward the chest.

3. Sugar

As mentioned above, sugar, even if derived from natural sources such as fruit juices and honey, can impair immune function. 

This impairment appears to be due to the fact that glucose (blood sugar) and vitamin C compete for transport sites into the white blood cells. 

Excessive sugar consumption may decrease vitamin C levels and result in a significant reduction in white blood cell function. 

4.  Antibiotics

More than 90% of all sore throats are caused by viruses. 

• If you have a sore throat, see a physician to rule out strep throat as the cause. 

• Before antibiotics are used, an in-office rapid strep screening test should be performed. 

• If antibiotics are used or have been used, it is important to use a probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. 

  • 70% of doctors regularly prescribe an antibiotic for acute bronchitis even though it provides no benefit and significant risk. 

The main risks with overusing Antibiotics include:

  • The overgrowth of Candida albicans 

  • The disruption of normal gut microflora

  • The possibility of developing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. 

5. Key Natural Cold and Flu Supplements + Folk recipes and remedies

Herbal Cold & Flu Protocols to have on hand for acute infections:

At the 1st Sign of a Cold:

  • Rest

  • Stay Warm

  • Drink fluids

  • Eat Well (NO SUGAR)

  • Elderberry Syrup 1 Tsp every 2hrs.

  • Echinacea Tincture 1 tsp every 2hrs. (Discontinue after 2 days)

  • 5 drops of Oregano oil under the tongue

Everyday Foundational General Supplements

  1. Vitamin C (Ascorbates) Buffered Vitamin C

  2. Magnesium Glycinate

  3. B-Complex

  4. Electrolytes: Sodium; Magnesium; Potassium & Trace Mineral Drops

Accute Cold, Flu, and Respiratory Symptom Supplements

**Note these are not to be taken as everyday supplements (only taken to support the onset or beginning stages of symptoms)

  1. Olive Leaf Extract

  2. Goldenseal

  3. Oregano

One of the main treatment goals in bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia is to help the lungs and air passages get rid of the excessive mucus. 

  • Neti Pot

  • Nebulizer

  • Castor oil Pack

  • RLT

  • InfraRed Sauna

  • Magnesium Epsom Salt Warm Bath

  • Mustard Poultice

  1. Apply a heating pad, hot water bottle, or mustard poultice to the chest for up to 20 minutes twice per day. 

  2. A mustard poultice is made by mixing 1 part dry mustard with three parts flour and adding enough water to make a paste (the strength of mustard powder varies greatly, so test a small amount on the skin first to be sure it is not too strong, as indicated by excessive redness). The paste is spread on thin cotton (an old pillowcase works very well) or cheesecloth, and the folded cloth is placed on the chest. Check often, as mustard can cause blisters if left on too long. 

  3. After the hot pack or mustard poultice, perform postural drainage by lying with the top half of the body off the bed, using the forearms as support, for a 5-to 15-minute period while trying to cough and expectorate into a basin or newspaper on the floor.

    Electrolyte Water:

The balance of potassium, magnesium and sodium helps to rehydrate your body on the cellular level keeping you hydrated and best able to battle a virus.

  • 4 c. water

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 juice of lemon lime

  • 10-15 trace mineral drops

  • 1 tbs elderberry syrup

Mix all ingredients together and drink throughout the day.

To Avoid Secondary Infections:

All of the above plus:

Fire Water—1 Tbs (recipe below) every 2 hrs. or as often as needed

Buy or Make Elderberry Syrup Recipe:

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen elderberries de-stemmed (or 1/3 cup dried)

  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional)

  • 5 whole cloves (optional)

  • 2 Tbs. fresh, grated ginger (optional)

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cup honey

  • 2 Tbs. lemon juice (optional) (necessary if canning)

  • Simmer elderberries and spices (if using) in water for about 20 minutes, mashing slightly.

  • Stir in honey until completely dissolved.

  • Store in the refrigerator until it molds or process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes (adjust for altitude) to store on shelf.

Each pint contains about 92 1 tsp. servings.


Take 1 tsp every day to strengthen your immune system.

Take 1 tsp every 30 minutes to 2 hours at first sign of a virus.

*Note* To make a honey-free version that is safe for babies you can replace the honey with rice syrup.

Fire Water:

  • 1/2 cup garlic cloves, whole and unpeeled

  • 1/2 cup whole dried or fresh cayenne or 1/8 cup red pepper flakes

  • 1 qt raw apple cider vinegar

  • Put herbs in jar

  • Pour ACV over herbs, stir in until all herbs are wet

  • Cover with plastic lid

  • Steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking daily for the 1st week

  • Strain off herbs

  • Store in cool, dark place

Vinegar tinctures will last for at least 1 year when stored in a cool, dark location.


Take 1/2 oz (1 Tb.) every 30 minutes - 2 hr. to avoid any secondary infections or anytime you would use an antibiotic

Fire Water Oxymel:

  • 1/2 cup Fire Water (see previous recipe)

  • 1/2 cup honey

  • Heat slightly and stir until thoroughly mixed.

  • Cap and store in a cool, dark location. Will store well at least a year.


Take by the tsp as needed to soothe a scratchy throat or a dry tickly cough.

Sage and Salt Gargle:

  • 2 Tb. Sage

  • 1/2 cup of boiling water

  • 2 Tb. salt

  • 1/2 cup of raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Put sage in a jar. Pour boiling water over sage. Cover and let steep about 15 minutes.

  • Strain into a fresh jar.

  • Mix in salt and vinegar.

  • Keep in refrigerator for up to 4 days.


Gargle 1 or 2 mouthfuls as needed for a hot, raw sore throat.

Please consult your medical provider for any other symptom that is severe or concerning. 

For a specific consultation on how to proceed this Cold and Flu season with a customized plan, book a free consultation today.

Book your consultation today!

50: Five easy low-cost steps to remove EMFs and harmonize your environment

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This week on The Freedom to Live Podcast, I am sharing tools and action steps that are easy to implement and that are also low cost to help you remove and harmonize your environment in relation to Electric Magnetic Fields, commonly referred to as EMFs.

5 tangible action steps that won’t break the bank 
Get more control of your health by removing and blocking EMF sources

  1. Remove

  2. Block & Shield

  3. Harmonize

Knowledge means nothing without Action.
Enjoy this week's episode!

❤️ Stephanie

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. What are EMFs and WHY should we be concerned?

Electric and magnetic fields (often referred to as EMFs) are an essential and natural part of the physical world.  Some occur naturally in nature and some are man-made.

Electric and magnetic fields occur naturally within the body in association with nerve and muscle activity. We also experience the natural magnetic field of the Earth (to which a magnetic compass responds) and natural electric fields in the atmosphere.

The human body has a charge and our body's frequency needs to be in harmony with our environment.

  • Electric fields are produced by voltage A/C electric outlets

  • Magnetic fields are produced by current (battery operated)

  • EMFs are not the same thing as radiation

  • Not all EMFs are bad

There are two basic forms of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing:

1.Ionizing Radiation:  radioactive substances in rocks and soil, cosmic rays of the sun, and radiation from man-made technology such as x-rays machines, power stations, and nuclear reactors.

2.Non-ionizing Radiation: visible light, ultraviolet and infrared waves, waves from radio or television, cellular phones, microwaves, and electric blankets.

But whether you get radiation depends basically on the frequency. At high frequencies – radio waves, TV, microwaves etc – the fields are coupled together and you get radiation. 

The World Health Organization has declared that cell phone radiation may be linked to brain cancer. 

Several Studies connect cell phone radiation to diminished sperm count and sperm damage.

Other studies raise health concerns such as:

  • altered brain metabolism,

  • sleep disturbance,

  • and behavioural changes in children.



2. Microwaves and Ear Buds (The WORST! Just REMOVE)

Microwaves cause water molecules in food to vibrate, producing heat that cooks the food. That's why foods that are high in water content, like fresh vegetables, can be cooked more quickly than other foods. 

Most of the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60%

  1. Heating  food in the microwave kills nutrients resulting in dead food.

  2. Cooking B12 foods (meat, milk, breast milk) destroys the B12 vitamin as well as the bacteria fighting agents found in breast milk as published in the scientific and medical literature. 

  3. Plastic containers used to heat microwave meals (TV dinners) have been found to release carcinogens along with other harmful toxins into your food which is then absorbed by your body.

  4. The non-ionizing radiation of the microwave can affect changes in your blood and your heart rate.

  5. study conducted by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University found the levels of radiation emitted by a microwave affect both heart rate and heart rate variability. 


Is This Common Kitchen Appliance Harming Your Health? by Dr. Mercola

Your microwave oven will NOT help you prepare healthy food--and will threaten your health by ripping the molecules in your food apart, rendering some nutrients inert and others carcinogenic.

Dangers of EMF Exposure to the Head: WHY ear buds are not a good idea.

  • Biological Damage

  • ADHD

  • Headaches & Depression

  • Tinnitus

Dr. Martin Pall of Washington State University published an article in the Journal of Neuroanatomy (Pall 2016) to help summarize current research to-date on EMF radiation and its neuropsychiatric effects, including those linked to depression and headaches. 

  • EMFs were shown to activate VGCC (voltage-gated calcium ion channels) in the brain and these channels are responsible for neural communication.

  • Animal studies showed that low level exposure had a wide range of impact.

  • Genetic studies indicated VCGG cause widespread neuropsychiatric effects.

Apple AirPods are constantly transmitting. 

They never take a break.

The only way to turn them off is to put them back in their box and shut the lid.  

The levels are up to  3500mV/m – 10 times the level of a mobile phone call at under 300mV/m (millivolts per metre).

3. Remove: Opt out of your home Smart Meter

Typically, smart meters are installed on the side of your home, replacing the manual analog style meter. 

Smart meters emit a large amount of radio frequency radiation every few seconds in all directions. So, if the smart meter is installed on the wall opposite a bedroom, there is likely to be a high amount of EMF radiation penetrating into that room.

This award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of 'smart' utility meters program.

4.  4000 hours LESS/year of wifi router radiation if you unplug for 12 hours/day

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Turning off WiFi at night (setting up an inexpensive manual timer) is an easy step to reduce your exposure to EMFs while you sleep. 

  • Avoid sleeping with your phone by your head or in your room.  

  • Shut Off/Use Air Plane mode at night.  

5 easy low-cost steps to remove EMFs and harmonize your environment

1. Remove

  • Microwave

  • Ear buds

  • Home utility SMART METERS

  • Smart devices

  • LED Light bulbs

2.  Turn OFF (unplug)

  • Wifi at night

  • Utilize Air Plane Mode at night

  • Bluetooth

  • Hard wire your computer back to ethernet cables

  • Take remote unplugging vacations

3. Block & Shield

  • Laptop and Cellphones (Defender Shield, Smart Sleeve)

  • Faraday fabric blocks EMFs.  There are EMF blocking clothing and bed canopies available

  • EMF shielding paint

  • BlueLight Blocking glasses

4. Harmonize the Environment

  • Grounding: walk barefoot outside, lay on the ground, spend moments in nature. 

  • House Plants help absorb toxins and naturally filter the air.

  • Salt lamps help absorb toxins and naturally filter the air.

  • Shungite, is a carbon-rich stone known to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and EMF exposure.

  • Increase natural lighting.  Replace LED with Incandescent or Halogen options to reduce the impacts on retina damage and Melatonin production.

  • Feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice of creating balance with the natural world in our interior spaces.

  • Hygge, similar to Feng Shui, a Danish and Norwegian word  to create an environment/mood of coziness, wellness, and contentment.

**(no affiliation with any of the above mentioned companies).  I share all this information for health educational purposes and what I use personally and recommend to family, friends, and clients.

Now that I know Better, I must do Better.
Enjoy this week.  

✌️❤️💪⚖️ Stephanie

If you would like support over the next month, 3 months, 6 months, contact us today to get started on a personalized plan to rebalance your health. 

We are launching a group program November 16, 2020 that encompasses all the pillars of the Integrative Health System to help you stay on track through the stress and uncertainty of the holidays and new year.

Smart Training & Recovery Tracking
Functional Medicine Lab Testing
Support Community
Daily Q&A Support

Book your complementary consultation today.

Contact us today to reserve your spot!

35: Restore Balance: Nutrition, Mindset, Technology

⚖️ Edition 35: Restore Balance

Enjoy this week's tips, resources, and strategies all about restoring balance and taking a step back from the noise.
❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

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The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Nutrition: 3 Balanced Meals/Day

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3 Balanced whole food meals/day is what minimizes cravings, restores deficiencies, and maintains satiation, energy, and balance within the body and mind.

Sticking with 3 balanced meals is the perfect structure to the day regulating circadian rhythms for children and adults, especially during summer months. 

For our younger house guest this week, the strategy was to add in more vegetables to familiar foods.  We ended up adding cauliflower, spinach, and even sweet potatoes to our morning BF smoothies and they were loved by all! 

2. Wellness vs. Weight Loss: Reject DIET and adopt the LIFESTYLE

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3. Remove/Limit Activities that Drain Energy

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4. Mindset: The Law of Balance

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The entire philosophy of functional medicine is based on balance. When a person's biochemistry, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual body is out of balance, this is when dis-ease of the body occurs.⁣ ⁣
Finding The Middle Way⁣
If gravity is the glue⁣
that holds the universe together,⁣
balance is the key⁣
that unlocks its secrets.⁣
Balance applies⁣
to our body, mind, and emotions,⁣
to all levels of our being.⁣
It reminds us that anything we do,⁣
we can overdo or underdo,⁣
and that if the pendulum⁣
of our lives or habits⁣
swings too far to one side,⁣
it will inevitably swing to the other.⁣
By Dan Millman from The Laws of Spirit, A Tale of Transformation⁣

5. Perspective: Take a step back from the noise.

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Author of Dirty Genes, and one of my favourite Integrative Health Naturopathic Doctors, Dr. Ben Lynch, who isn't afraid to take a step back from the noice and voice a bigger and more positive perspective; Check out some of his videos here 👉  @drbenlynch 

Enjoy your week!

❤️ Stephanie ⚖️

32: Boost Brain Health, Sleep Tips, Gratitude, Best Exercise for Brain Health

Edition 32 🧠 Brain Health
Get your brain right and health will follow. - Dr. Daniel G. Amen

Enjoy this week's tips, resources, and strategies all about prioritizing brain health.
❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Brain Health

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The TOP 5 detriments to brain health include:

  1. Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Prescription Drugs

  2. Caffeine (Stimulant) over 300 mg/day.  

  3. Processed, High refined sugar foods and especially **chemical sugars: sugar alcohol, Splenda 

  4. Low omega 3 + High Saturated Fat + Processed Diet

  5. Physical inactivity and being overweight or obese

Nutritional and Lifestyle Factors to Boost Brain Health

Diet (80/20) 

  1. Eat Smart:  Low inflammatory, quality protein, low-glycemic, high-fibre, antioxidant-rich food.

  2. Redefine treats.  Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, unless you have histamine issues, a dark chocolate treat greater than 75%  can be very beneficial.

  3. Swap out occasionally the coffee with a green tea/matcha. Caffeine/coffee isn't entirely bad, just know what amount works for you avoiding levels over 300mg/day.

  4. Wild blueberries (dark berries) are low glycemic and high in antioxidants which are good for nervous and brain health.  

  5. Focus on the good fats (Omega-3) to balance saturated fats.   EPA found in small fatty fish counteracts Arachidonic acid which is the highest in peanut oils and animal products.  Look at consuming SMASH fish (Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring) or a high-quality fish oil supplement.


  1. Sleep; Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep time.  

  2. Manage Stress;  Herbal adaptogens can help tone down the stress response in the body ie) Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda, L-thenanine, Phosphatidylserine, Adrenal soothe; Ginko, Ginsing, Magnesium.

  3. Moderate Exercise; Overexercise can be neurodegenerative causing more stress and inflammation.  

Upcoming Topic with Chef Collin, Mondays at 11EST on Instagram Live.  
Follow me on Instagram here to tune in to our weekly conversations.  

Monday, June 15: 👉 Top 5 causes of inflammation⁣
Upcoming Topics:⁣
Physical signs of Vitamin D deficiencies⁣
Histamine Intolerances and 5 main causes⁣

2. Sleep is #1 to rebalance health

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🧠 "One of the fastest ways to hurt your brain is to get fewer than 7 or 8 hours sleep at night. People who typically get 6 hours or fewer of sleep have lower overall blood flow to the brain, which hurts its function.⁣
Researchers from the Walter Road Army Institute of Research and the University of Pennsylvania found that chronically getting fewer than 8 hours of sleep was associated with cognitive decline." ⁣
Unleash the Power of the Female Brain by Dr. Daniel G. Amen⁣

5 tips

1. Dark Room (blackout blinds)
2. Cool Temperature
3. Remove/Reduce Technology: No screens 2 hours before bed; or use blue blocker glasses. Turn off wifi router for the night.
4. Magnesium or other sleep support supplements
5. Stop eating 3-4 hours before bed

Bonus: Shut down the Monkey Mind: Celebrate daily wins (I did do list), gratitude, write down 3 intentions for the following day

3. Mindset: Always Return to Gratitude

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The Best Exercise for Brain Health

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Moderate Exercise Daily for life is the best for long-term brain health!  

Simply just walk.  

A steps prescription is commonly specifically used as part of a treatment protocol in traumatic brain injury recovery.  Increased steps has shown to increase neuroplasticity (brain growth) whereas a sedentary lifestyle shows bad blood flow to the brain.  

Aim and work up to a daily goal of 10 000 steps.

Enjoy the upcoming week.

❤️ Stephanie

13: Melatonin and Sodium: Potassium significance & Keeping perspective

🧠 #brainhealth 🧠✨

At the root of healing, the first step is to balance the nervous system and get back to a normal natural biological cycle between cortisol and melatonin production.

The opposite of the stress hormone (cortisol) is melatonin.  In functional medicine, we look at everything in ratios and balance.

Most of society is in a cortisol dominance, sympathetic nervous system SNS, or chronic Fight Flight stress-based state.  

Often this state of being is very unconscious because we get used to this "just a way of life" mindset.

Here are 3 lifestyle steps that you can implement TODAY to regulate your natural biological rhythms.

1. Set consistent wake and sleep times.
2. Wear blue light blocker glasses (amber glasses) starting at 6:30pm daily.
3. Create an electronic power-down (sunset) in your home.  Switch off electronics, wifi, screens ideally a few hours before the set sleep time (step 1). Opt for (unscented natural) candle light or the soft glow of salt lamps.

7 days a week might be a stretch.  Everything starts in levels and graduated steps.  Aim for one day and one thing and build forward. 

Consistent action and consciousness over time. 🔑✨

2. Mineral Balance: Potassium to Sodium

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The 4 Minerals: Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium need to be balanced to maintain proper bodily systems.

WHYs: Potassium needs to be balanced with Sodium:

❤️Circulatory - Helps lower heart rate, dilate arteries, and reduces blood pressure

🚽 Digestive - Keeps things moving properly 

🍠 Metabolic - Needed in carbohydrate metabolism

💪 Muscular - Contraction (prevents cramping)

🧠 Nerve and sensory activity

A low potassium dietary (unbalanced diet) intake can contribute to low levels of potassium in the body.  Long-term use of diuretics, laxatives, licorice, as well as, tobacco and excess caffeine can all be factors that deplete potassium and interfere with absorption. 

Signs of Potassium Deficiency:

  • Allergies

  • Constipation

  • Fatigue

  • Irregular Heart Beat

  • Low blood Sugar (hypoglycaemia)

  • Low or High blood Pressure

  • Muscle Weakness

  • Skin Problems

  • Water Retention

  • Sweet Cravings

  • Salt Cravings

Signs of Excess Potassium:

  • Depression, mental

  • High blood sugar (diabetes)

  • Muscle spasms

  • Muscle weakness

🥥*note: Coconut water is super high in potassium, but if you are deeply fatigued it may be too much (not balanced) add sea salt to it.

🌴If you have high blood pressure = we often use 16oz. x2/day fresh pressed green juice for 30 days + coconut water. 

Monitor your blood levels before and after with your primary health care physician to see how diet and lifestyle are directly related. It takes about 90-120 days to see results.

Tracking and measuring results are 🔑 key to long-term and long-lasting habits.

3. Mindset: The Natural Healing Process is not linear.

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