32: Boost Brain Health, Sleep Tips, Gratitude, Best Exercise for Brain Health

Edition 32 🧠 Brain Health
Get your brain right and health will follow. - Dr. Daniel G. Amen

Enjoy this week's tips, resources, and strategies all about prioritizing brain health.
❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Brain Health

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The TOP 5 detriments to brain health include:

  1. Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Prescription Drugs

  2. Caffeine (Stimulant) over 300 mg/day.  

  3. Processed, High refined sugar foods and especially **chemical sugars: sugar alcohol, Splenda 

  4. Low omega 3 + High Saturated Fat + Processed Diet

  5. Physical inactivity and being overweight or obese

Nutritional and Lifestyle Factors to Boost Brain Health

Diet (80/20) 

  1. Eat Smart:  Low inflammatory, quality protein, low-glycemic, high-fibre, antioxidant-rich food.

  2. Redefine treats.  Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, unless you have histamine issues, a dark chocolate treat greater than 75%  can be very beneficial.

  3. Swap out occasionally the coffee with a green tea/matcha. Caffeine/coffee isn't entirely bad, just know what amount works for you avoiding levels over 300mg/day.

  4. Wild blueberries (dark berries) are low glycemic and high in antioxidants which are good for nervous and brain health.  

  5. Focus on the good fats (Omega-3) to balance saturated fats.   EPA found in small fatty fish counteracts Arachidonic acid which is the highest in peanut oils and animal products.  Look at consuming SMASH fish (Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring) or a high-quality fish oil supplement.


  1. Sleep; Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep time.  

  2. Manage Stress;  Herbal adaptogens can help tone down the stress response in the body ie) Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda, L-thenanine, Phosphatidylserine, Adrenal soothe; Ginko, Ginsing, Magnesium.

  3. Moderate Exercise; Overexercise can be neurodegenerative causing more stress and inflammation.  

Upcoming Topic with Chef Collin, Mondays at 11EST on Instagram Live.  
Follow me on Instagram here to tune in to our weekly conversations.  

Monday, June 15: 👉 Top 5 causes of inflammation⁣
Upcoming Topics:⁣
Physical signs of Vitamin D deficiencies⁣
Histamine Intolerances and 5 main causes⁣

2. Sleep is #1 to rebalance health

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🧠 "One of the fastest ways to hurt your brain is to get fewer than 7 or 8 hours sleep at night. People who typically get 6 hours or fewer of sleep have lower overall blood flow to the brain, which hurts its function.⁣
Researchers from the Walter Road Army Institute of Research and the University of Pennsylvania found that chronically getting fewer than 8 hours of sleep was associated with cognitive decline." ⁣
Unleash the Power of the Female Brain by Dr. Daniel G. Amen⁣

5 tips

1. Dark Room (blackout blinds)
2. Cool Temperature
3. Remove/Reduce Technology: No screens 2 hours before bed; or use blue blocker glasses. Turn off wifi router for the night.
4. Magnesium or other sleep support supplements
5. Stop eating 3-4 hours before bed

Bonus: Shut down the Monkey Mind: Celebrate daily wins (I did do list), gratitude, write down 3 intentions for the following day

3. Mindset: Always Return to Gratitude

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The Best Exercise for Brain Health

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Moderate Exercise Daily for life is the best for long-term brain health!  

Simply just walk.  

A steps prescription is commonly specifically used as part of a treatment protocol in traumatic brain injury recovery.  Increased steps has shown to increase neuroplasticity (brain growth) whereas a sedentary lifestyle shows bad blood flow to the brain.  

Aim and work up to a daily goal of 10 000 steps.

Enjoy the upcoming week.

❤️ Stephanie