11: The Functional Medicine Difference

Welcome to Episode #11!

Here's the Bad News.  Yesterday, Jan. 16 is officially the day where people fall off and lose commitment with their New Years goals.

The good news.  We don't believe in New Years Resolutions anyway.  In the 12 Week Year approach every day and every week is a chance to review, reset, and track progress.

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. The Difference Between Conventional and Functional Medicine

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2. IHP Self Health Assessment

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This is one of the tools I use right here to help people track the process and the progress of the integrative health journey.

In the beginning, it always starts with a solid Nutrition, Exercise, Rest & Recovery plan while we run functional medicine lab data in the background to get straight to the point of underlying root imbalances.⁣

But the process doesn't stop there. Our mindset, emotional state, and our spiritual connectedness all play a key piece in bringing our health to a state of balance. ⁣

How do you score out of 100 on each of these pie graph segments? Where are the flat spots in the wheel?⁣

You may have seen the Life wheel; check that out as well. The thing is, if you balance your Health, it provides the building blocks of physical, emotional, and mental strength and resilience to carry over to the other areas of life that need balancing.

Health is the cornerstone.  Health is our life force.

The other segments of the life wheel either suffer or thrive based on the status of our health (relationships, wealth, career, all the big ones). 

I hope this visual exercise helps you prioritize your strengths and weaknesses and where you want to bring a little more focus over the next 12 week year.  

Check in daily, weekly, monthly to track progress.⁣

3. Virtual Exercise: the Accountability of Community

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The power of Accountability and Community; Both Combined!!

This right here is one of the main reasons WHY people fall off the New Years Resolution.  Personally, I find it almost impossible to stick with a consistent exercise program unless I'm part of an accountability group as a leader, or as a participant. 

This Core challenge is only 12-15 minutes/day.  You can follow # strongtothecore20 and join our virtual fit IG community anytime.  


4. 5 Steps to Gut Health

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5. Spirituality: 8 Steps to Integrative Attraction! 

One of those days....

My Kid just barfed all over the bus on the way to school and again just now in the back seat. Arranged child care and then not needing to because the meeting was a no show.⁣

Presented with a choice here.⁣

To get upset because I have to cancel appointments and am now "off track" and that everything is ironic and conspired "against" me OR roll with it as simply a redirection of my day. ⁣

Learning to release control and remaining in a constant state of calm EVEN during the surface level shit storms of life. Because they really are surface level. None of it is really a big deal.⁣

I now just see these as grooming opportunities. Preparation. ⁣


I'm going to KEEP SHOWING UP. ⁣


I'm going to KEEP BELIEVING.⁣

I'm grateful for the sun. Grateful for the flexibility I have and just grateful to be able to be there for my little humans when they need me to be. Grateful that I have backup systems in place and people in my life that are helping and supporting.⁣

These are mantras that we can use to help maintain a calm and positive energy even is a state of stress and chaos.  This is a Practice that takes Practice. 

Also, I love these 8 steps to to being more energetically attractive.  Notice how it's also about some of the physical tangible environment too. 

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