Weight Loss

Gut Health and Blood Sugar Balance.

There are levels to this!

Level 1: Whole Foods and Blood Sugar Balance (3 structured meals daily)


1.      Organization: Clean up pantry and de-clutter foods in the home and review shopping habits (see Reset Shopping List)

2.      Build a Framework and Structure: Get a meal planner notebook or use printable template pdfs to write out personalized meals from the shopping list on a weekly basis.  Structure and plans provide some freedom and flexibility.

3.      Implement: Aim for 3 structured meals following a low inflammation and low processed-food diet in order to reduce the blood-sugar rollercoaster (highs and lows) and start to balance gut health.

4.      Know your WHY: What is your WHY and motivation? *There needs to be a significant WHY because it does take some discipline and change.  There is also some detoxing and die-off that will happen which doesn’t always feel good.  This is normal as change and healing is happening.


1.      Balanced blood sugar for better energy, hormone balance, and longevity

2.      Improved gut health for better immunity, energy, skin, hair, nails, and longevity

3.      Overall sustainable weight-balance + maintenance

Quick Start Tips

1.      The first step to balancing blood sugar is to aim for 3 meals/day with a 3-4hour window in between meals. Set the goal to maintain 3 structured meals with as much variety as tolerated while healing with adequate sources of whole-food fibre, fat, and protein to balance carbohydrates. Whole food fats, protein, and fibres provide the body with good blood sugar stabilization and keeps inflammation low.  Consequently, this tells your adrenals the environment is safe and makes it more likely you will be able to 1) regulate your period/cycle/hormones and 2) shed excess weight.  Healthy fats fuel healthy hormones and keep inflammation low, they are also required for optimal brain function.

*Start with familiar foods first and watch for bloating and any sensitivity for the first 30 days.  After 6-8 weeks, begin introducing new veggies and fruit.

2.      Eat breakfast within 1-1.5 hours of waking and avoid coffee (caffeine) and/or any moderate/intense workouts on an empty stomach.

3.      Sleep 7-9 hours (ideally asleep before 10:30pm) for melatonin to cortisol balance.  Set a sleep schedule and go to bed/wake within 30-minutes of the same time each day -7 days a week.  i.e.) If your wake time is 6:00am; waking can be as early as 5:30am but not later than 6:30am.  Suggested bed time in this context would be 9:30pm, with a window of 9-10pm.  Sleep scheduling overtime will give you more energy with 7-9 hours of consistent sleep.  Aim to give yourself at least 21 days initially to get into a sleep cycle. 1.      Excess blue/artificial light in the evenings contributes to insulin resistance and glucose levels.  Put phones and computers (screens) to bed at a set time.

4.      Avoid snacks in between meals and avoid eating after dinner. Aim to finish eating dinner by 5:30pm to 7:00pm (about 3-4 hours before sleeping). 

5.      Exercise (smart) with graduated resistance-training methods, avoiding long sedentary states, and HIIT/overtraining. Prioritize walking after meals 15-30 minutes, especially after dinner.

6.    Avoid fasting, going too long between meals especially if LDH is below 140 U/L. Intentional fasting can be supportive. For example, fasting overnight vs. during the day is more conducive to blood sugar balance, because this is when the body is naturally in the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) state where healing, repair, digesting, detoxing, restoration, and homeostasis (balance) happen.  On the contrary, during the day, our cortisol and adrenaline levels are normally higher and ready to take on the world.  This is the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) state. Prolonged fasting during SNS states (whether intentional or unintentionally skipping meals), only contributes to more adrenaline stress further burdening adrenals, thyroid, reproductive, and women's health overall. 

7.      Track glucose with CGM for 10, 14, or 28 days to unveil personal patterns and insights. 

Blood Sugar Balance Background

The Why

The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) state of the nervous system is responsible for relaxing, digesting, physical restoration and healing which happens in the deep state of sleep, as well as, emotional processing and cognitive development, which happens in the REM, state of sleep. 

Regulating insulin and achieving blood sugar balance is also a process.

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

With too much carbohydrate intake, including clean “gluten-free/dairy-free GFDF” or “healthy” cereals, breads, rice, grains, crackers, chips, noodles, bars, condiments, high glycemic fruit and vegetables without adequate protein and fat, blood sugar will spike really high and fast.  Then, blood sugar will drop causing a state of low blood sugar.

In addition, these spikes and crashes cause adrenaline and cortisol imbalances, which create an overall stress response that further promotes and perpetuates various illnesses. 

The bulk of processed/packaged foods are carbohydrates and added sugars, such as: breakfast cereals, crackers, cookies, breads, pastries, pastas, chocolate, sweets, jams, condiments, sauces, sugar, preserved fruit, frozen pre-cooked meals, batter etc. 

There are also a lot of added hidden sugars in these items.

The blood sugar roller coaster is even worse if you start your first meal of the day with high carb and high sugar foods, for example, with breakfast cereal, muffins, pastry, pancakes, toast and jam etc. in the morning which also often leads to a cycle of other quick grab convenience foods, caffeine, or long stretches of fasting throughout the day.  

The Spike followed by The Crash (Blood Sugar Roller Coaster) is very harmful for both adults and children. With the nature of children’s food and habits, most likely, a larger part of their behaviour and silent health issues is the direct result of unstable blood glucose.

Finally, an overlooked important point about processed carbohydrates is their detrimental effect on the gut flora.  Processed carbohydrates feed the opportunistic "bad" pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the gut promoting their growth and proliferation, and in addition make a wonderful glue like environment in the gut for various worms and parasites to take hold and develop. 

Gut health is all about promoting and keeping the good bacteria alive so that the opportunists can't thrive and take over.

Level 1 starts with an approach to daily blood sugar balance, which in turn helps you set up for level 2 which is balancing gut health.

“All these micro creatures produce toxic substances that pass into the bloodstream and literally poison the person.  The more processed carbohydrates with or without gluten, the more toxic he, or she will become presenting autoimmune, autistic, schizophrenic, hyperactive, or other symptoms you will see”. -Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD

Blood Sugar Balance Top 10 Tips:

As you can see from the list above, its not always WHAT you're eating, but when and how.  There's a lot of factors that go into blood sugar balance.

If you’ve implemented some of these principles and or need a little bit more prioritized and personal guidance on how best to get started with blood sugar and metabolism balance, please schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss some options

If you have some recent (within the last six months) blood work completed, please also forward these results to stephanie@thefreedomtolive.ca with a brief outline of your top health concerns. 

Next Levels….

Level 2 Gut Healing Reset; Beneficial Bacteria balance is the cornerstone to healing the gut long-term and sustainably.

54: Lean Strength Training: What I Wish I Knew Starting Out.

The backstory…

I started off exploring the traditional gym space with the major intention of wanting to fix my body.

I didn’t like the way I looked.

This stemmed from years of feeling insecure about my weight or lack there of, major self-confidence and anxiety issues for most of childhood to teen years that never really went away. I had this tremendous self-doubt and fear of others and what they were thinking ALL of the TIME.

So in my mid thirties, I finally built up enough courage to take charge of this problem once and for all. I signed up for a gym. I was going to fix the way I looked.

My idea of fixing the problem was specifically changing my body type to look more muscular fit and attractive. That was it!

So I signed up for a body transformation program where I did learn some of the foundations of strength training of which I am very grateful for. I learned how to Romanian deadlift, dead lift, and goblet squat. But I also drank raw egg whey protein dense shakes, took anabolic supplements, and consumed up towards the 4000 calories a day, it was the typical transform the ectomorph body into a more mesomorphic body frame and type.

It didn’t take very long down this path to understand and realize intuitively that this was not the path for me for a number of reasons. However, I have always continued to build on those original core basic strength training moves and continue with variations of the following today.

8 Foundational Strength Moves

  • Push

  • Pull

  • Row

  • Squat

  • Lunge

  • Step Up

  • Dips

  • Plank/Core

1.Body Weight before Weights

The number one reason I prefer body weight before weights is to prevent Injury. When we use our body weight it forces us to stay within our physical strength ability since we can’t unnaturally push past the resistance threshold of managing our own body. Just look up advanced callisthenics for some inspiration. The level of strength and ability of some of these athletes is absolutely incredible and inspired!

2. Resistance Bands before Barbells

Resistance bands are a classic variation of gradually graduating difficulty and resistance without going to heavy and presenting unnecessary load and physical stress on your joints and skeletal system. Resistance bands help promote and train proper form while performing some of the above mentioned 8 foundational moves. I mean you may find that you never even need to touch a barbell.

Pick up a set of super loop and small loop resistance bands and try out some new variations to your existing workouts. For example, the barbell squat adding on the barbell squat overhead push press with a super loop resistance band.

Also, bands are super versatile, you can bring them with you while traveling or on a walk to get in a few sets of resistance training.

3. You don’t need a GYM

The world is our gym! It starts with moving past the physical 4 walls of a gym, getting outside, really embracing, and loving spending more time outside in nature. This can be some of the most productive time to balance our nervous system, mental health, and physical body. Think about walking, jogging, paddle boarding, biking, roller-skating, working out with the park equipment or finding a random bench. Maybe it starts with bringing your bands or yoga mat out in nature.

4. You don’t need a lot to get started (favourite tools)

You really don’t need a lot of resources and things to get started. The number one reasons why people don’t get started, is typically because of mind block barriers relating to time, money, gym access or not having the space/resources to set up your own personal gym. However, in my view, we literally don’t need anything except for our body to get started so there’s really no excuse.

Investment Pieces:

  • Home built Outdoor Calisthenics Gym

  • Indoor Basement Workout Studio

  • NordicTrack Incline Treadmill

  • InfraRed Sauna by Sauna Ray

Low-Cost Get Started Today:

  • Resistance Bands

  • Stability Ball

  • Dumbells/Kettlebells

  • Equilizer Bars

  • Gymnastic Rings/TRX/Yoga Swing

  • Bosu

  • Wall Bars

5. Infradian Rhythm

Most of the expert advice we get on exercise, frequency, training volume, and which type is best for us is generally geared towards optimizing male fitness and not optimized to female bio chemistry.

Menstruating women, with normal hormone function, are operating on a 28-day cycle. In the first half of our cycle (follicular phase), we burn fat easier and gain lean muscle. This is when we can ramp up our intensity training with intervals, and HIIT workouts, spin, and cardio to see more weight loss. The second half of our cycle, (luteal phase) we can really afford and benefit from skipping the cardio/high intensity training and shift towards more resistance, strength, flexibility, and recovery.

During mensuration, hormone/energy levels are at the lowest so any type of high intensity, strength, power yoga etc. can actually really backfire turning on fat storage, muscle wasting, and adding unnecessary stress to our cardiovascular and nervous system.

For more information on cycle syncing your life in other areas besides exercise, work and focus, nutrition, socialization, and love-making, check out the work of Alisa Vitti, In The Flow and the accompanying app to track your cycle and tap into your second clock, the Infradian Rhythm.

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The Teacher Appears When the Student is Ready.

What I Really Wish I knew earlier on in my life….

I wish I had the mindset teachings, emotional balance strategies, spiritual education, tools, and mentors earlier.

I was 37 when I walked into my first ever exercise class. I didn’t know what I was doing.

I was a late bloomer perhaps, but some people never ever walk into that class or whatever it is that leads them to realizing that the real work is an inside job.

Health and Transformation is an inside job.

To change the exterior world, it starts with our interior world.

My final point here today is to say that it’s never too late, you’re never a late bloomer, everything has its time, everything has its place, and we are just beginners at much in life.

With gratitude,


47: Train Smarter Not Harder

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I would argue that the majority of people are training Harder and not Smarter.

Living in harmony is about having more of a wholistic mindful awareness about which activities are depleting vs. rejuvenating your body and mind. 

Enjoy this week's resources on How to start setting up your Smart Training Schedule.

❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Identify Your Levels of Stress

In order to rejuvenate your body, you must take in more energy than you give out for a period of time.


Develop a sense of awareness around how much energy you are giving out vs. taking in.

Evaluate your current level of stress with the Holmes-Rahe Stress Test below before you start designing your ideal Training Schedule.

What is your score?

The Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale.png

2. What to Eat on the Smart Training Schedule?


Low calorie long term diets place more added stress on the body, so we aim for a maintenance plan of 3 whole food meals/day.

Let's be mindful of all the factors that are putting stress on our adrenals below:

3. Sleep and Recovery Tracking

Tracking the physical signs of stress is so important to see how your body is adapting. 

How fast you recovery IS the Main GOAL within the Smart Training Schedule.  It's about building the body up instead of breaking it down.  

Clinical Signs of Stress

  • High resting HR/BPM (70+)

  • High BP (130/85+)

  • Low body temperature (<98 ̊)

  • Flu-like symptoms after exercise or stressful event

  • Erratic HRV

  • Dilated/Pinpoint Pupils

Functional Medicine Lab Testing Markers

  • High/Low cortisol/thyroid

  • High/Low electrolytes

  • High/Low blood sugar

  • High CRP, homocysteine, LDH, potassium on blood work

  • Gut permeability & digestive issues

See my previous episode #41 here on how to build your home Doctor's office.

Sleep and Recovery tracking with the OuraRing has been my simple solution over the last 6 months. 
Each morning I wake up with a "readiness score" that is taking into consideration how much sleep, REM, DEEP sleep, bed timing, restfulness, night time body temperature, heart rate,  and heart rate variability.  It monitors how long it takes for my heart rate to stabilize at night which is a major indicator of recovery. 

Honestly, it's been a game-changer.

See more here on HRV tracking tools, such as the Elite HRV here. (episode #26)

4.  Balance Yin vs. Yang Mind and Body Activities

Which activities give you more energy (Yin) vs. deplete your energy (Yang).

Review your Holmes-Rahe Stress Test score and Assess your YIN:YANG ratio of current activities in a Day, in a week.

Yin (depleting) SNS activities

Hard, Long, Intense Workouts
Waking up to an alarm, Disturbed Sleep, Less than 7hours of sleep
Bright flashing lights, loud noise, crowds
Stuck in traffic, Running late
Getting kids ready
Arguments (work/relationships)
Gut problems,Viruses & infections
Planning social events
Anything causes pain (mind or body)

Yang (rejuvenation) PNS activities

Walking Meditation
Binaural beats
Infrared Sauna
Gentle/medium pressure massage
Dry Brushing
Playing with Children
Walking the dog
Hatha and Restorative Yoga
Float tank
Listening to podcasts and taking notes

5.  Design your Smart Training Schedule


Foundations to a Successful SMARTER Training Schedule

  • Reduce caffeine (wean off)

  • Top Stress reducing supplements: B Vitamins, Magnesium, Melatonin, and Adaptogens

  • Make to-do list the night before

  • Ideally asleep before 10:30 PM

  • Plan fun activities and buffer times in your week

  • Exercise at least every other day

  • Walk 10,000 steps a day outside

  • Meditate (even just 5-minutes a day upon waking and/or before bed)

  • Take a full-day off from work every week (Sunday)

This ideal workout week schedule (Advanced)

For those that are looking to maximize their time and exercise routine to balance all aspects of training.

Methods of Exercise

Walking Days = 7 (10,000 steps total per day)
Resistance Training Days = 3
Cardio Days = 2
Formal Yoga or Stretching Class = 2

Sample Weekly Schedule
Monday: Resistance training workout #1 
Tuesday: Cardio workout #1 (bike, run, row, sprint, etc.)

Wednesday: Resistance training workout #2 
Thursday: Gentle Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Stretching Class, or Rest
 (Infra Red, Float Tank, Foam Rolling)
Friday: Resistance training workout #3
Saturday: Cardio workout #2 (bike, run, row, sprint, etc.)

Sunday: Gentle Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Stretching Class or Rest

This is my IDEAL Everyday athlete perfect world training week that balances soft and hard forms of movement and is perfect for almost anyone that is not competing for a specific goal (bodybuilding, powerlifting, sport specific).

Remember, it’s something to strive for even if you can only do half of what’s listed!”

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter/blog and don't forget to check out our brand new podcast version of the Freedom 5 weekly.

Happy Smart Training Scheduling!



If you would like support over the next month, 3 months, 6 months, contact us today to get started on a personalized plan to rebalance your health. 

Book your complementary consultation today.

45: Adopting a Healing and Recovery Mindset

Edition 45: Adopting a Healing and Recovery Mindset

This week I discuss 8 Key Principles on overcoming and working through addictions with food and other substances.

With gratitude,

❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. What do these 6 substances have in common?

When I polled my audience this week, many answered:

Lower Immune function
Causes/Contributes to intestinal impermeability/leaky gut
Makes us feel sick and tired
Speeds up the aging process

All True.  But I was looking for a specific answer.  They are all:

Highly Addictive

When dealing with any type of mental illness, depression, anxiety, ADHD, Addiction, there are 2 main causes:

Psychological and Biochemical factors and recovery typically requires a very multidisciplinary and holistic approach. 

I used to always separate drug and alcohol addiction with food based addictions as being totally different beasts.  But I feel like there isn't a difference, there's variation and levels to addiction, but it's still an addiction.

I outline here today 8 principles of an overall recovery and healing mindset to conquer any type of addiction:

  1. Admit and Acknowledge your addictions.  Do you have control and power over the certain external substances such as: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, gluten, dairy?  Do you have full control and willpower to say NO? Have you tried abstaining? 75 days, 30 days, 3 days, 1 day?

  2. Know your WHY.  What are the deep reasons WHY you want better? Better health, a better body, a better life, greater purpose?  WHY change.

  3. Start with ONE DAY. Don’t think of forever. Just focus on winning the day! 

  4. Feel to Heal.  To go without is to go within. 

  5. Put in the work. Daily.

  6. Acknowledge a force of healing and recovery greater than yourself.

  7. Continue to seek guidance, support, and help along the way.

  8. Heal yourself, Heal Others, Change the World

2. Six Nutritional factors that may be responsible for addiction, dependence, anxiety, depression, and mental illnesses overall.

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Melvin Werbach, M.D., author of Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness , wrote that these six nutritional factors play a big role on anxiety, elevated levels of lactic acid, and mental illness overall:

1. Alcohol 

2. Caffeine 

3. Sugar 

4. Deficiency of the B vitamins niacin, pyridoxine, and thiamine 

5. Deficiency of calcium or magnesium 

6. Food allergens

Source: Werbach M. Nutritional influences on mental illness: a sourcebook of clinical research. Tarzana, Calif.: Third Line Press, 1991. 

3. Adopt the ONE DAY mindset

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Check out this episode here. 

We can do anything for ONE DAY.

If you can do it for ONE DAY you can do it forever.

But don’t think about it forever.


Put in to practice something for ONE DAY and keep going.

Within a short period of time you have multiple days, multiple weeks, multiple months.

What you get is the accumulation of consistent action.

Low calorie diets, restrictive eating, and extreme diets where you are eliminating one of the 3 key macro nutrients long-term perpetuate a falling off the wagon, binging, spiralling behaviours, and just feeling deprived and miserable.  Many do not thrive on diets.

Within the context of healing and recovery, eliminating and abstaining from certain addictive substances for a period of time takes on the goal of getting to the root cause of addictions to things like alcohol, drugs, sugar, caffeine, baked goods, or other behaviours.

After a set period of time you need to assess your ability to sustain a healthy relationship with these substances and if the desire is there to yes reintroduce these substances and/or behaviours or to possibly continue abstinence. 

One Day at a Time.

Classic 12 Steps of the 12 Step Addiction Recovery Programs

4.  To Go Without is to Go Within (Feel to Heal)

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As I woke up on day number 42 of my latest 9th attempt of the 75 hard program realizing that I forgot to read my pages,  WOW! Really Really!?

Feeling like the worlds biggest looser and a fraud.  I just sat with it.  I processed it for an entire week.  Don’t be too quick to jump back on the horse.  

Sit with it. Process it. Ask WHY. Meditate.  Go IN.

I had lost way before day 40.  I had been sneaking bits of forbidden foods the whole time.  Principle #1 admit and acknowledge your addictions. So today I’m day 7 being CLEAN (the six substances) No Alcohol, Drugs, Caffeine, Added Sugar, Gluten, or Dairy.  None of it.  

I feel great.  I feel clear and I have no interference. 

But it's still not easy.

  1. Identify your triggers: stress, emotions, mental state.

  2. Feel to heal. Sit with the discomfort. Sit with the hunger and the cravings.

  3. Learn and adapt to go without.  Eliminating these substances contributes to healing your inner biochemistry.  

  4. Build and Strengthen your mental muscles: willpower, saying NO, abstaining. 

5. The G word.

I can’t think of one single recovery and healing story where there wasn’t the presence of the G Word.  GOD.  A higher force outside of yourself.  A higher level of consciousness, prayer, inner knowing, inner wisdom, inner knowledge. 

Sometimes we have to eliminate something to get to the life god intended us to live.  A life of meaning and happiness.  

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter/blog and don't forget to check out our brand new podcast version of the Freedom 5 weekly.


If you would like support over the next month, 3 months, 6 months, contact us today to get started on a personalized plan to rebalance your health. 

Book your complementary consultation today.

Contact us today to get started!

33: Reduce Inflammation, Nutritional Deficiencies, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Hormone Imbalance, Estrogen Dominance, Inflammatory Vegetable Oils, Gluten & Dairy Sensitivities

Edition 33 Beat Inflammation

Inflammation in the body equals inflammation in the brain which equates to imflam-aging.  Feeling and looking youthful is an inside job.  

Enjoy this week's tips, resources, and strategies all about minimizing inflammation from a root-cause level. 
❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

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The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Deficiencies

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One of the root imbalances to inflammation can be a deficiency in specific vitamins such as: C, E, D, and the B vitamin family.  The whole premise of functional and integrative medicine is to replenish deficiencies and remove toxicity to rebalance the body back to a state of health. 

Our food and soil systems are depleted even if you are literally doing the best at getting in a variety of nutrients.  I see this time and time again on reading functional medicine labs: people have systemic nutrient deficiencies and ratio imbalances.

A simple start is here:  Foundation Level 1.

A good quality, functional medicine, 3rd party-lab tested, made in Canada, endorsed by practitioners supplement.

Order Today

2. Heavy Metal Toxicity

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Reduce Exposure in your food, air, and water systems.

1. Choose to eat wild caught small fish: Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring and avoid big fish with high Mercury content: Tuna, Sword Fish, Marlin, Sea bass to name a few.

2. Avoid drinking city tap water and have your well water tested.  Filtering your water is always a good idea.  I personally use a solid carbon countertop system by Berkey Filters.

3. Avoid using Aluminum cookware, aluminum cans, and personal care products that contain aluminum. 

4. TEST your levels of toxic metals and mineral balance with the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. 

5. Complete a Heavy Metal Detox Protocol that includes alkalizing Vitamin C, cilantro, chlorella, and biofilm disrupters. 

3. Hormone Imbalance (Estrogen Dominance)

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Make the UPGRADES and get rid of Plastics and other Xenoestrogens from your life.

8/10 of the people I work with experience some type of Hormone Dysfunction that holds them back from feeling and showing up to life at their best.⁣
🎈 Irregular or missed cycles⁣
🎈 Bloat ⁣
🎈 Adult acne/ cystic acne⁣
🎈 Hair thining⁣
🎈Unwanted weight loss or Inability to lose weight⁣
🎈Unexplainable body aches/ joint pain⁣
🎈Heightened PMS⁣
🎈Challenging pre/post menopause symptoms⁣
These are all signs of some type of subclinical imbalance in the body, which can be the start of a dis-ease based process in the body. Getting regular hormone tests done are the best way to prevent female dis-eases of the body because we can rebalance the body back to health.⁣
Thorugh functional medical lab testing, these are the lab markers that we look at from a functional medicine (education on your personal health) non-diagnostic perspective. ⁣
We deliver the FULL picture all in ONE LAB:⁣
👉The cortisol curve C1, C2, C3, C4 (saliva taken 4x/day)⁣
👉Estrogen, Progesterone and the E:P ratio (for estrogen dominance/in men too!!)⁣
👉 Androgens: DHEA, Testosterone⁣
👉Thyroid: TSH, T4, T3, TPOab, insulin, HbA1c⁣
👉Vitamins D2, D3⁣

Book a Free Consult today

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4. Low Omega-3 : High Inflammatory Vegetable Oils

Aim to increase healthy Omega3 from either fish or plant foods;

🐟SMASH (Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring)

🌱Flax seed, Chia Seed, Hemp Hearts

An example here above of an upgraded Mediterranean style fish and chips lunch.  Home-made organic oven roasted potatoes with wild caught sardines in olive oil.  

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5. Chronic Food Sensitivities: Gluten & Dairy

The easiest way to reduce inflammation is through diet.  If you haven't already downloaded, saved, and have my 3-day reset posted in your kitchen.  Today is the day to get started. 😁

Get the 3-day Reset here. 

Enjoy your week!

❤️ Stephanie ☀️🌴

31: Grounding, Cold Water Therapy, Metabolism & Weight Balance, Toxicity Quiz, Exercise Planning

Edition 31 ⏚ Staying Grounded

How to stay grounded in a perceived world of chaos.
Enjoy this week's tips, resources, and strategies.
❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

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The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Grounding!

Literally and Simply! kick off your shoes and socks and connect your feet to the ground.   Sand, dirt, pavement, it doesn't matter, but, preferably pesticide free grass! 

Grounding, or Earthing is one of the simplest overlooked practices out there to simply have skin contact with the negative ions of the earth. Just being grounded, changes our nervous system state from sympathetic mode (fight-flight) to parasympathetic (rest, recover, digest), it lowers your heart rate and energetically calms the body.  

In the electrical world, everything is grounded for safety.  I think we need to visualize this for ourselves, and start a daily grounding practice to the physical earth.

The first morning dew is a perfect time and place to get started!!! 

Maybe take your morning routine outside this week.

More on grounding here: Grounding the Human Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing

2. Cold Water Therapy

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This is one of the fastest ways to literally throw yourself in to the present moment and get out of your head is with a cold plunge.  It forces you to breathe.  Once you get past the first 20 seconds, the initial shock of it, you can begin to breathe through it using a variety of breath techniques, or simply, box breathing: breathe out to the count of 4, breathe in to the count of 4 and repeat. 

The cold is always uncomfortable, it never gets easier, and there is always the desire to escape it.   But overtime it strengthens the mind with a physical and mental practice.  

Cold water therapy has been used for decades in athletic training recovery to calm sore and overworked muscles, reduce inflammation, but also helps with immunity, circulation, aging, cellular-energy, and much more.  

Cold plunging, however, is not for everyone especially for individuals who are in a heightened stress nervous system state.  It can do more harm than good.  It isn't a good idea to further shock the body.

Like anything, this is a graduated process and practice.  Start small and build.  

Cold showers are also a good way to get started.

Check out my outdoor DIY garden hose shower! I'm using this as part of my morning routines (faster than filling a tub), for post-workouts, or rinsing off on hot days. 

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3. Nutrition Factors: Improve Metabolism & Weight Balance

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Low calorie are low-energy diets and they are not a long-term solution. These “solutions” are often nutrient deficient and/or are missing major food group categories. ⁣
The main danger of the low-cal “lifestyle” over the long-term is that metabolic rate can be significantly affected. Because energy intake below needs can depress resting metabolic rates by 10%-20%, or the equivalent of 100-400 kcal/day. ⁣
This drop in basal needs, as a consequence, decreases the amount of energy needed to maintain weight.

The discussion almost always involves more than calories in calories out, sure this is important, but how are nutrition plans supporting these 5 important factors below? ⁣
1. Thyroid;⁣
2. Iron;⁣
3. Blood Sugar and Cholesterol;⁣
4. Liver;⁣
5. Cortisol and Stress.⁣

How is thyroid being supported? Have you tested the full panel including antibodies?  What about Iron?Often symptoms of low energy, low motivation, low thyroid can be related to a deficiency in iron.  Then what about vitamin C! this vitamin helps the absorption and bioavailability of iron.  See how there are so many factors, always the "fix" is not one thing, but a collection of lifestyle and nutritional practices.  
If you are unsure about where to start, I invite you to book either a 30 minute nutrition consult, or a 1hour integrative health assessment.  Both services include a detailed symptoms questionnaire done prior to the session to really dive into underlying imbalances to help you build a plan and blueprint to live by.  

Book Now!

Upcoming Topic with Chef Collin, Mondays at 11EST on Instagram Live.  Follow me on Instagram here to tune in to our weekly conversations.  

👉 How to boost brain function with 5 foods and lifestyle factors⁣

4. Toxicity Quiz

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The whole premises of my practice is the Functional and Integrative Medicine approach: Remove Toxicity and Replenish Deficiencies to Rebalance the body. 

1. Remove
2. Replenish
3. Rebalance

Start here with taking 10 minutes to look at your toxicity load with this questionnaire.  

If you need help with your results, please set up a complimentary call by emailing, or texting back.


5. Exercise: Plan it. Set Up. Do it. Enjoy it. 

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This is the conclusion. The more I set the intentions, plan, physically get the gear ready the night before. Actually do it and stop "awefulizing" it in my head....lol It's a never ending journey.  Might as well fall in love with the process and so I repeat:   Enjoy the journey!

I hope this email newsletter blog has inspired you to go in to next week with more grounding techniques.  

The world is definitely a little cooky right now and more then ever we need to get back down to earth.

Enjoy the upcoming week.

❤️ Stephanie

14: Micro Nutrition, Magnesium, Exercise & Blood Sugar, EMFs

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. A focus on Micros: Track your Micro Nutrition

Here is a chart from Health Canada that outlines the Required Daily Values needed from our daily nutrition.  

These reference numbers assume that the person is already healthy and at adequate and sufficient levels.

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This week, I researched Apps, there must be an app that tracks micro nutrition since there's a million already out there to track macros, food, water intake, weight loss etc.  

The best I came up with is Nutrients (formerly known as Foodle).  On here I can track my meals and micro nutritional value.

It's less about counting calories and macros (yes important), but to a point. 

Let's track the value of our food and then we can see where exactly we need to supplement the diet. 

After a day of tracking, as you can see below, I didn't meet my Daily Required Nutrition.  I'm low in critical nutrients like my B vitamins, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium.

Try it out!  

If you want to discover in how much detail you are getting, here is a great example.  1 cup of cooked unsalted broccoli. 
The Macros, Micros, Amino Acids, so much information!

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2. Magnesium & Stress

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When the body is under chronic stress (emotional, mental, physical), this impacts our levels of key nutrients in the body.

Magnesium specifically is rapidly lost under stress.  One study in Kosovo found that those under chronic war stress lost large amounts of magnesium in their urine.  

Excess alcohol, salt, coffee, sugar, phosphoric acid in pop/soda, profuse sweating, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation, diuretics (water pills), antibiotics, other drugs, as well as some intestinal parasites.  

Source: The UltraMind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman

Implement More Magnesium Rich Foods:
Sea Vegetables

Remove/Reduce Stress and Magnesium Depleting Foods:

Image source: Integrative Health Practitioner Course

3. Mindset: Words from Tiny Buddha . com

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4. Exercise and the Blood Sugar Connection

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I've been testing blood sugar at the gym for people and teaching how to use an at home glucometer.
🧠Blood Sugar balance is one of the cornerstones of health.⁣

I'm surprised at how much of this is a reality⁣
⚠️Skip breakfast⁣
⚠️Skip meals (long fasting) ⁣
⚠️Just coffee breakfast⁣
⚠️Combined with hard workouts and lack of sleep. ⁣

👉Long-term low carb low calorie diets are essentially nutrient deficient diets. "It's the only thing that has ever worked".⁣

You may get short term results and win a challenge, but at what cost? 😓⁣

In fact this is the perfect recipe to keep weight on and train your metabolism to survive within these conditions instead of thrive. ⁣

This IS survival mode. 🧪⁣
👩‍🔬Cortisol and glucocorticoids are released singling for sugar to be sent into the blood stream as a response to this biologically perceived famine, physical exertion, lack of nutrients; aka perceived danger or threat to your existence. Over time, this constant release of sugar leads the body to stop responding (insulin resistance).⁣

5 Steps to get back to balanced blood sugar and metabolism:⁣

1. Have a smoothie breakfast⁣
2. Eat 3 balanced meals with enough protein, healthy fats, and good carbs (fibre) to be satiated for 3-4 hours.⁣
3. Give yourself 3-4 hours in between meals without food.⁣
4. Fast overnight from after dinner to morning (no evening snacking)⁣
5. Do some steady state cardio like walking, biking, low rep push, pull, squat, lunge sequences, or stretching to help lower blood sugar after your last meal of the day. ⁣

**This last step is super important to lower blood sugar and get into a deeper rest.⁣

Try this for 30 days. 👊🌷⁣

5. Toxicity Exposure: EMFs

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REDUCE EMF EXPOSURE ⁣⁣⁣is a known mutagen aka carcinogen. 
Linked to brain troubles, mood disorders, heightened anxiety and depression; plus all the other symptoms in the above info graph.

1.Turn off WiFi at night
2. Don't sleep with your phone by your head or in your room.  Use Air Plane mode.
3. House Plants and Salt lamps help absorb toxins and naturally filter the air.
4. Avoid using wireless ear buds.
5. Opt Out of your home energy smart meter.  

*** Apple ear pods emit between 0mV/m – 10 times the level of a mobile phone call.  They continue to transmit even when the phone is in airplane mode + turned off.  The only way to stop them from transmitting is to shut them in their case. 

Check out this article here to see how to test EMF transmissions in your environment.

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