Gut Health

Gut Health and Blood Sugar Balance.

There are levels to this!

Level 1: Whole Foods and Blood Sugar Balance (3 structured meals daily)


1.      Organization: Clean up pantry and de-clutter foods in the home and review shopping habits (see Reset Shopping List)

2.      Build a Framework and Structure: Get a meal planner notebook or use printable template pdfs to write out personalized meals from the shopping list on a weekly basis.  Structure and plans provide some freedom and flexibility.

3.      Implement: Aim for 3 structured meals following a low inflammation and low processed-food diet in order to reduce the blood-sugar rollercoaster (highs and lows) and start to balance gut health.

4.      Know your WHY: What is your WHY and motivation? *There needs to be a significant WHY because it does take some discipline and change.  There is also some detoxing and die-off that will happen which doesn’t always feel good.  This is normal as change and healing is happening.


1.      Balanced blood sugar for better energy, hormone balance, and longevity

2.      Improved gut health for better immunity, energy, skin, hair, nails, and longevity

3.      Overall sustainable weight-balance + maintenance

Quick Start Tips

1.      The first step to balancing blood sugar is to aim for 3 meals/day with a 3-4hour window in between meals. Set the goal to maintain 3 structured meals with as much variety as tolerated while healing with adequate sources of whole-food fibre, fat, and protein to balance carbohydrates. Whole food fats, protein, and fibres provide the body with good blood sugar stabilization and keeps inflammation low.  Consequently, this tells your adrenals the environment is safe and makes it more likely you will be able to 1) regulate your period/cycle/hormones and 2) shed excess weight.  Healthy fats fuel healthy hormones and keep inflammation low, they are also required for optimal brain function.

*Start with familiar foods first and watch for bloating and any sensitivity for the first 30 days.  After 6-8 weeks, begin introducing new veggies and fruit.

2.      Eat breakfast within 1-1.5 hours of waking and avoid coffee (caffeine) and/or any moderate/intense workouts on an empty stomach.

3.      Sleep 7-9 hours (ideally asleep before 10:30pm) for melatonin to cortisol balance.  Set a sleep schedule and go to bed/wake within 30-minutes of the same time each day -7 days a week.  i.e.) If your wake time is 6:00am; waking can be as early as 5:30am but not later than 6:30am.  Suggested bed time in this context would be 9:30pm, with a window of 9-10pm.  Sleep scheduling overtime will give you more energy with 7-9 hours of consistent sleep.  Aim to give yourself at least 21 days initially to get into a sleep cycle. 1.      Excess blue/artificial light in the evenings contributes to insulin resistance and glucose levels.  Put phones and computers (screens) to bed at a set time.

4.      Avoid snacks in between meals and avoid eating after dinner. Aim to finish eating dinner by 5:30pm to 7:00pm (about 3-4 hours before sleeping). 

5.      Exercise (smart) with graduated resistance-training methods, avoiding long sedentary states, and HIIT/overtraining. Prioritize walking after meals 15-30 minutes, especially after dinner.

6.    Avoid fasting, going too long between meals especially if LDH is below 140 U/L. Intentional fasting can be supportive. For example, fasting overnight vs. during the day is more conducive to blood sugar balance, because this is when the body is naturally in the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) state where healing, repair, digesting, detoxing, restoration, and homeostasis (balance) happen.  On the contrary, during the day, our cortisol and adrenaline levels are normally higher and ready to take on the world.  This is the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) state. Prolonged fasting during SNS states (whether intentional or unintentionally skipping meals), only contributes to more adrenaline stress further burdening adrenals, thyroid, reproductive, and women's health overall. 

7.      Track glucose with CGM for 10, 14, or 28 days to unveil personal patterns and insights. 

Blood Sugar Balance Background

The Why

The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) state of the nervous system is responsible for relaxing, digesting, physical restoration and healing which happens in the deep state of sleep, as well as, emotional processing and cognitive development, which happens in the REM, state of sleep. 

Regulating insulin and achieving blood sugar balance is also a process.

The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

With too much carbohydrate intake, including clean “gluten-free/dairy-free GFDF” or “healthy” cereals, breads, rice, grains, crackers, chips, noodles, bars, condiments, high glycemic fruit and vegetables without adequate protein and fat, blood sugar will spike really high and fast.  Then, blood sugar will drop causing a state of low blood sugar.

In addition, these spikes and crashes cause adrenaline and cortisol imbalances, which create an overall stress response that further promotes and perpetuates various illnesses. 

The bulk of processed/packaged foods are carbohydrates and added sugars, such as: breakfast cereals, crackers, cookies, breads, pastries, pastas, chocolate, sweets, jams, condiments, sauces, sugar, preserved fruit, frozen pre-cooked meals, batter etc. 

There are also a lot of added hidden sugars in these items.

The blood sugar roller coaster is even worse if you start your first meal of the day with high carb and high sugar foods, for example, with breakfast cereal, muffins, pastry, pancakes, toast and jam etc. in the morning which also often leads to a cycle of other quick grab convenience foods, caffeine, or long stretches of fasting throughout the day.  

The Spike followed by The Crash (Blood Sugar Roller Coaster) is very harmful for both adults and children. With the nature of children’s food and habits, most likely, a larger part of their behaviour and silent health issues is the direct result of unstable blood glucose.

Finally, an overlooked important point about processed carbohydrates is their detrimental effect on the gut flora.  Processed carbohydrates feed the opportunistic "bad" pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the gut promoting their growth and proliferation, and in addition make a wonderful glue like environment in the gut for various worms and parasites to take hold and develop. 

Gut health is all about promoting and keeping the good bacteria alive so that the opportunists can't thrive and take over.

Level 1 starts with an approach to daily blood sugar balance, which in turn helps you set up for level 2 which is balancing gut health.

“All these micro creatures produce toxic substances that pass into the bloodstream and literally poison the person.  The more processed carbohydrates with or without gluten, the more toxic he, or she will become presenting autoimmune, autistic, schizophrenic, hyperactive, or other symptoms you will see”. -Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD

Blood Sugar Balance Top 10 Tips:

As you can see from the list above, its not always WHAT you're eating, but when and how.  There's a lot of factors that go into blood sugar balance.

If you’ve implemented some of these principles and or need a little bit more prioritized and personal guidance on how best to get started with blood sugar and metabolism balance, please schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss some options

If you have some recent (within the last six months) blood work completed, please also forward these results to with a brief outline of your top health concerns. 

Next Levels….

Level 2 Gut Healing Reset; Beneficial Bacteria balance is the cornerstone to healing the gut long-term and sustainably.

55: 5 Steps to Rebalancing your Gut Health

Gut health is at the centre of human health and it’s no wonder that the gastrointestinal system is often referenced as our second brain and the body’s first line of defence against illness.  To get well, lose weight, or fix digestion, often it’s about looking deeper at healing your gut where the hidden underlying root causes of imbalance typically reside. Until you fix your gut, your immune system specifically takes the biggest hit. A condition called leaky gut happens when the lining of the gut walls becomes compromised overtime, the gut flora is imbalanced, and proteins from foods spill over into the bloodstream acting as foreign objects. All triggering the immune system to be reactive.  It is only after rebalancing the mircrobiome and the removal of fungal, bacterial overgrowth, parasites, or pathogens, that you’ll be able to fully reduce inflammation.

The long-term benefits of rebalancing the gut can include:

  • Improved digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Clearer thinking

  • Deeper sleep

  • Vibrant skin

  • Increased Energy

  • Weight Balance

There are several common symptoms of gut dysbiosis, a condition where the bacterial colonies of the gastrointestinal system are out of balance, which is closely associated with several other conditions including: IBS, colitis, candida, celiac disease, leaky gut, PCOS, chronic UTIs, as well as skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

General symptoms of gut dysfunction often include:

  • Weight gain

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue

  • Vaginal or rectal itching

  • Craving for sweets & carbs

  • Bloating

  • Heartburn

  • Mood disorders

  • Difficulty urinating

  • Joint pain

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Gas

  • Bad breath

  • Anxiety

  • Brain fog

  • Low libido

  • Muscle weakness

  • Constipation

  • Headaches

  • Depression

  • Lack of concentration

  • Chronic allergies

  • Sinus congestion

Step #1 to rebalancing the gut: don’t guess, test

One of the best courses of action, and the first places to start is with a wellness blood panel . This is truly the prerequisite step in order to have an overview of your health. Looking at bloodwork from an optimal functional perspective allows a great window into your gut health uncovering key deficiencies and early red flags. In addition there are some benefits to also looking at other functional medical lab testing.  It is the only way to really know what imbalances you are dealing with in the gut and to start building a holistic plan back to health.  Functional GI testing can uncover abnormal levels of bacteria such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), candida, yeast, fungal overgrowth, H. Pylori, or other pathogens and parasites often associated with gut permeability problems.

It can take years of trials and errors and what I like to call, holistic Band-Aids such as, turmeric, frankincense, green tea powder, all in the attempt to reduce symptoms of inflammation; However, a nutritional and herbal plan alone is often not enough to get your gut back to a state of healthy balance.

Once you get the results back from the lab tests, you will then know exactly where you need to start, what you need to remove, and then work on sealing back up the gut walls.

More information: Blood Chem Panels + Functional Medicine Lab Service


Step #2 to rebalancing the gut: remove foods that harm and proceed with an appropriate yeast, bacterial, fungal, or parasite protocol 

There are certain foods in the list below that aren’t ideal for gut health which can feed unhealthy levels of overgrowth and pathogens.

Foods to Avoid

  • Excessive amounts of saturated animal fats, high-fat foods, trans fats, hydrogenated fats

  • Fried foods

  • Dairy

  • Food dyes

  • Condiments and sauces

  • Wheat and Gluten grains (barley, kamut, rye, spelt)

  • Yeast-raised baked goods

  • Alcohol

  • Artificial additives and preservatives

  • Processed nuts

  • Carbonated beverages

  • Processed and smoked meats

  • Packaged and processed foods

Once you have your lab test results, you can work on removing the overgrowth and rebalancing the gut microbiome through a specific protocol such as a candida bacteria overgrowth CBO, SIBO, H. Pylori, or other parasite protocol.  These protocols work to specifically remove the biofilm and access the actual yeast, bacterial, or parasite overgrowth.  Otherwise, it is very difficult with herbal remedies or nutritional support alone to fully remove the imbalance.   Eating well can temporarily help, but often a relapse will occur since it isn’t strong enough to sustainably kill the unwanted pathogens to healthy levels.

Lab tests can also uncover other levels of toxicity such as heavy metals or mould, as well as, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  From here, it is easier to come up with a personalized and timely plan to rebalance health through nutrition, replenish deficiencies, and remove toxins in the body.

Once you have rebalanced the gut, and sealed up the gut walls, you may find that you have less food sensitivities and that you can go back to eating a healthy balanced variety of foods.  Once you have completed your protocols, you can try reintroducing healthy foods one-by-one over a 3-day windows to observe how your body reacts.

Other Foods that May Need to be Temporarily Eliminated

  • Gluten-free grains (oats, rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat)

  • Nightshades; eggplants, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes

  • Nuts and seeds (except hemp)

  • High-lectin foods: beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, squash

  • Bananas and high glycemic fruit: watermelon, mangos, papaya, pineapple

  • Soy

  • Corn

  • Histamine foods: fermented foods, fermented vegetables, kombucha

Reset your Gut by implementing the 3 Day RESET guide and continue implementing it for 4-6 weeks for best results.


Step #3 to rebalancing the gut: include easy to-digest foods that heal

It takes a very strong and healthy digestive system to thrive on a raw plant based-diet.  Therefore until the gut is rebalanced, it can be beneficial to heat, blend, and stew to help breakdown nutrients so that they are more accessible, easier to digest, and assimilate. Since 30% of our energy is used to digest and breakdown foods, opting for a breakfast smoothie is one of the best ways to get in a good portion of the daily fruit and vegetable servings while reserving energy for heavier protein meals later on in the day.

When sourcing foods to rebalance the gut, it is really important to alleviate the toxic burden on the body while replenishing nutritional deficiencies by:

  • Choosing organic, non-GMO varieties of produce and foods whenever possible;

  • Opting for sustainable animal proteins such as grass-fed, pastured meat and wild caught, low mercury fish;

  • Eating a rainbow of 7-9 servings of vegetables/day (60-70% vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit/day (lower fructose and lower glycemic options);

  • Consuming lower amounts of overall protein, about 10-15%; and

  • Restricting fat to 10-20% of healthy options such as: avocado, coconut, extra-virgin, first cold pressed olive oil.

Try some Gut Healing Nutrient Dense Recipes from my SOUP GUIDE: 15 healthy ideas!

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Step #4 to rebalancing the gut: reduce emotional, psychological, physical stress 

The gastrointestinal system is especially sensitive to stress.  The fight or flight response specifically diverts energy to deal with whatever the source of incoming stress may be.  This is a survival mechanism that shifts energy away from digestion to instead deal with the perceived immediate danger, either fight or run away fast. Consequently, the digestive processes shut down which shows up as lower levels of digestive enzymes and stomach acids required to breakdown food, as well as less saliva production.  This can result in stagnation, issues related to nutrient absorption, slow or hyperactive bowel activity, and hormone dysfunction.

Balancing daily routines and exercise with more calming YIN styles, or parasympathetic nervous system activities can help soothe and restore the digestive function. Here are some examples that can greatly improve the body’s ability to move into more of a rest, restore, and digest state:

  • Prayer

  • Breath work

  • Meditation

  • Soft martial arts

  • Nature walks

  • Massage

  • Stretching

  • Low-impact exercise


Step #5 to rebalancing the gut: supplement with nutrients that rebuild overall health

Very often it is still not enough to have a healthy routine of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and de-stressing even after completing one of the gut balancing protocols. The last element to the equation is to give the body a boost in terms of nutrients in order to continue healing, regenerating, and ultimately living in more of a thriving rather than surviving state.

Due to the accumulation over the years of toxic foods, substances, overuse of antibiotics, various stressors, nutritional sensitivities, and deficiencies, imbalances within the GI tract can worsen and reoccur.  Sometimes it can take years to feel balanced from this kind of damage unless given a boost with nutrients from whole foods and specific nutritional supplements.

A good foundational support may include:

  • A daily activated multi-vitamin and mineral support

  • Plant-based phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber

  • Probiotics

  • Vitamin D3-K

  • OMEGA3

  • A Digestive enzyme support

Book a free consultation to learn how to get started on rebalancing your gut health, get back the life, health, and body you want, book a free call with me here today!

51: Natural approaches to Cold and Flu Season

51 A natural Approach to the Cold and Flu Season.png

Being healthy and living a long healthy and happy life is first and foremost a lifestyle.   

Maintaining a healthy immune system is the primary way of protecting against an excessive number of colds. If you catch more than one or two colds a year, you may have a weak immune system. To strengthen the immune system, I will be sharing some of the foundational recommendations here today.

A Naturopathic cure has three main components:

1. The elimination of evil habits such as overeating, consuming alcoholic drinks, drugs, coffee, or meat, excessive worry, etc.

2. Corrective habits to regain health including proper breathing, exercise, relaxation, positive mental attitude, in the pursuit of health and wellness.

3. New principles of living which includes the proper selection of food and natural therapies.

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. HOW and WHY alcohol impacts our immune system?

Alcohol dependence (in moderation or over consumption) is probably one of the most serious health problems facing society today. Alcohol:

  • Overloads the detoxification processes, contributes to liver damage, and immune suppression

  • Produces chemical stress on the body

  • Increases oxidative stress because it contributes to the depletion of critical antioxidant glutathione. 

  • Increases adrenal hormone output

  • Interferes with normal brain chemistry and normal sleep cycles. 

  • Contributes to nutritional deficiencies: B6, B vitamins, Selenium, glutathione, Zinc, Vitamin A, Antioxidants, imbalanced Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Magnesium

  • Impacts Gut health: the intestinal microflora is severely deranged in moderate to heavy alcohol consumption.

  • Contributes to Hypoglycaemia (disregulated blood sugar) 

Alcohol is often used as an unhealthy calming effect (a Maladaptive coping mechanism) to deal with stress.   

If you want to have a healthy liver, there are three things you definitely want to stay away from: 

Saturated fats, refined sugar, and alcohol. 

Consider following the 3-day Reset as a template which is  designed to stabilize blood sugar, provide a lot of whole food nutrient dense foods that help support your liver, digestion, and ultimately support a healthy functioning immune system. 

2. Love your Lymph: Hydration and Dry Brushing

The lymphatic system, critical to immunity, is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials; Lymph fluid contains white blood cells that are instrumental in fighting infection all throughout the body.

A healthy lymphatic system is key to a healthy body.

  1. Hydrate: Lymph is about 95% water, making water essential for its health.

Drinking plenty of liquids and using a vaporizer help maintain hydration within the respiratory tract which helps repel viral infection while also improving white blood cells function.

The type of liquids you drink is very important. Studies have shown that consuming concentrated sources of sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey, or orange juice greatly reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria. 

Avoid Caffeine and alcohol, both of which have a diuretic effect. 


First morning exercise such as jump rope or jumping on a small trampoline/rebounder can help get the lymph moving.  There is no pump within the lymphatic system like in the cardio vascular system, so exercise and moving the body is the only way to get it flowing.

3. Dry brushing

Dry brushing helps move the lymph to naturally detox through lymphatic drainage, exfoliate the skin, and clean pores.  In dry brushing, the skin is typically brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing toward the chest.

3. Sugar

As mentioned above, sugar, even if derived from natural sources such as fruit juices and honey, can impair immune function. 

This impairment appears to be due to the fact that glucose (blood sugar) and vitamin C compete for transport sites into the white blood cells. 

Excessive sugar consumption may decrease vitamin C levels and result in a significant reduction in white blood cell function. 

4.  Antibiotics

More than 90% of all sore throats are caused by viruses. 

• If you have a sore throat, see a physician to rule out strep throat as the cause. 

• Before antibiotics are used, an in-office rapid strep screening test should be performed. 

• If antibiotics are used or have been used, it is important to use a probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. 

  • 70% of doctors regularly prescribe an antibiotic for acute bronchitis even though it provides no benefit and significant risk. 

The main risks with overusing Antibiotics include:

  • The overgrowth of Candida albicans 

  • The disruption of normal gut microflora

  • The possibility of developing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. 

5. Key Natural Cold and Flu Supplements + Folk recipes and remedies

Herbal Cold & Flu Protocols to have on hand for acute infections:

At the 1st Sign of a Cold:

  • Rest

  • Stay Warm

  • Drink fluids

  • Eat Well (NO SUGAR)

  • Elderberry Syrup 1 Tsp every 2hrs.

  • Echinacea Tincture 1 tsp every 2hrs. (Discontinue after 2 days)

  • 5 drops of Oregano oil under the tongue

Everyday Foundational General Supplements

  1. Vitamin C (Ascorbates) Buffered Vitamin C

  2. Magnesium Glycinate

  3. B-Complex

  4. Electrolytes: Sodium; Magnesium; Potassium & Trace Mineral Drops

Accute Cold, Flu, and Respiratory Symptom Supplements

**Note these are not to be taken as everyday supplements (only taken to support the onset or beginning stages of symptoms)

  1. Olive Leaf Extract

  2. Goldenseal

  3. Oregano

One of the main treatment goals in bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia is to help the lungs and air passages get rid of the excessive mucus. 

  • Neti Pot

  • Nebulizer

  • Castor oil Pack

  • RLT

  • InfraRed Sauna

  • Magnesium Epsom Salt Warm Bath

  • Mustard Poultice

  1. Apply a heating pad, hot water bottle, or mustard poultice to the chest for up to 20 minutes twice per day. 

  2. A mustard poultice is made by mixing 1 part dry mustard with three parts flour and adding enough water to make a paste (the strength of mustard powder varies greatly, so test a small amount on the skin first to be sure it is not too strong, as indicated by excessive redness). The paste is spread on thin cotton (an old pillowcase works very well) or cheesecloth, and the folded cloth is placed on the chest. Check often, as mustard can cause blisters if left on too long. 

  3. After the hot pack or mustard poultice, perform postural drainage by lying with the top half of the body off the bed, using the forearms as support, for a 5-to 15-minute period while trying to cough and expectorate into a basin or newspaper on the floor.

    Electrolyte Water:

The balance of potassium, magnesium and sodium helps to rehydrate your body on the cellular level keeping you hydrated and best able to battle a virus.

  • 4 c. water

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 juice of lemon lime

  • 10-15 trace mineral drops

  • 1 tbs elderberry syrup

Mix all ingredients together and drink throughout the day.

To Avoid Secondary Infections:

All of the above plus:

Fire Water—1 Tbs (recipe below) every 2 hrs. or as often as needed

Buy or Make Elderberry Syrup Recipe:

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen elderberries de-stemmed (or 1/3 cup dried)

  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional)

  • 5 whole cloves (optional)

  • 2 Tbs. fresh, grated ginger (optional)

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cup honey

  • 2 Tbs. lemon juice (optional) (necessary if canning)

  • Simmer elderberries and spices (if using) in water for about 20 minutes, mashing slightly.

  • Stir in honey until completely dissolved.

  • Store in the refrigerator until it molds or process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes (adjust for altitude) to store on shelf.

Each pint contains about 92 1 tsp. servings.


Take 1 tsp every day to strengthen your immune system.

Take 1 tsp every 30 minutes to 2 hours at first sign of a virus.

*Note* To make a honey-free version that is safe for babies you can replace the honey with rice syrup.

Fire Water:

  • 1/2 cup garlic cloves, whole and unpeeled

  • 1/2 cup whole dried or fresh cayenne or 1/8 cup red pepper flakes

  • 1 qt raw apple cider vinegar

  • Put herbs in jar

  • Pour ACV over herbs, stir in until all herbs are wet

  • Cover with plastic lid

  • Steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking daily for the 1st week

  • Strain off herbs

  • Store in cool, dark place

Vinegar tinctures will last for at least 1 year when stored in a cool, dark location.


Take 1/2 oz (1 Tb.) every 30 minutes - 2 hr. to avoid any secondary infections or anytime you would use an antibiotic

Fire Water Oxymel:

  • 1/2 cup Fire Water (see previous recipe)

  • 1/2 cup honey

  • Heat slightly and stir until thoroughly mixed.

  • Cap and store in a cool, dark location. Will store well at least a year.


Take by the tsp as needed to soothe a scratchy throat or a dry tickly cough.

Sage and Salt Gargle:

  • 2 Tb. Sage

  • 1/2 cup of boiling water

  • 2 Tb. salt

  • 1/2 cup of raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Put sage in a jar. Pour boiling water over sage. Cover and let steep about 15 minutes.

  • Strain into a fresh jar.

  • Mix in salt and vinegar.

  • Keep in refrigerator for up to 4 days.


Gargle 1 or 2 mouthfuls as needed for a hot, raw sore throat.

Please consult your medical provider for any other symptom that is severe or concerning. 

For a specific consultation on how to proceed this Cold and Flu season with a customized plan, book a free consultation today.

Book your consultation today!

45: Adopting a Healing and Recovery Mindset

Edition 45: Adopting a Healing and Recovery Mindset

This week I discuss 8 Key Principles on overcoming and working through addictions with food and other substances.

With gratitude,

❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. What do these 6 substances have in common?

When I polled my audience this week, many answered:

Lower Immune function
Causes/Contributes to intestinal impermeability/leaky gut
Makes us feel sick and tired
Speeds up the aging process

All True.  But I was looking for a specific answer.  They are all:

Highly Addictive

When dealing with any type of mental illness, depression, anxiety, ADHD, Addiction, there are 2 main causes:

Psychological and Biochemical factors and recovery typically requires a very multidisciplinary and holistic approach. 

I used to always separate drug and alcohol addiction with food based addictions as being totally different beasts.  But I feel like there isn't a difference, there's variation and levels to addiction, but it's still an addiction.

I outline here today 8 principles of an overall recovery and healing mindset to conquer any type of addiction:

  1. Admit and Acknowledge your addictions.  Do you have control and power over the certain external substances such as: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, gluten, dairy?  Do you have full control and willpower to say NO? Have you tried abstaining? 75 days, 30 days, 3 days, 1 day?

  2. Know your WHY.  What are the deep reasons WHY you want better? Better health, a better body, a better life, greater purpose?  WHY change.

  3. Start with ONE DAY. Don’t think of forever. Just focus on winning the day! 

  4. Feel to Heal.  To go without is to go within. 

  5. Put in the work. Daily.

  6. Acknowledge a force of healing and recovery greater than yourself.

  7. Continue to seek guidance, support, and help along the way.

  8. Heal yourself, Heal Others, Change the World

2. Six Nutritional factors that may be responsible for addiction, dependence, anxiety, depression, and mental illnesses overall.

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Melvin Werbach, M.D., author of Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness , wrote that these six nutritional factors play a big role on anxiety, elevated levels of lactic acid, and mental illness overall:

1. Alcohol 

2. Caffeine 

3. Sugar 

4. Deficiency of the B vitamins niacin, pyridoxine, and thiamine 

5. Deficiency of calcium or magnesium 

6. Food allergens

Source: Werbach M. Nutritional influences on mental illness: a sourcebook of clinical research. Tarzana, Calif.: Third Line Press, 1991. 

3. Adopt the ONE DAY mindset

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Check out this episode here. 

We can do anything for ONE DAY.

If you can do it for ONE DAY you can do it forever.

But don’t think about it forever.


Put in to practice something for ONE DAY and keep going.

Within a short period of time you have multiple days, multiple weeks, multiple months.

What you get is the accumulation of consistent action.

Low calorie diets, restrictive eating, and extreme diets where you are eliminating one of the 3 key macro nutrients long-term perpetuate a falling off the wagon, binging, spiralling behaviours, and just feeling deprived and miserable.  Many do not thrive on diets.

Within the context of healing and recovery, eliminating and abstaining from certain addictive substances for a period of time takes on the goal of getting to the root cause of addictions to things like alcohol, drugs, sugar, caffeine, baked goods, or other behaviours.

After a set period of time you need to assess your ability to sustain a healthy relationship with these substances and if the desire is there to yes reintroduce these substances and/or behaviours or to possibly continue abstinence. 

One Day at a Time.

Classic 12 Steps of the 12 Step Addiction Recovery Programs

4.  To Go Without is to Go Within (Feel to Heal)

to go without is to go within.png

As I woke up on day number 42 of my latest 9th attempt of the 75 hard program realizing that I forgot to read my pages,  WOW! Really Really!?

Feeling like the worlds biggest looser and a fraud.  I just sat with it.  I processed it for an entire week.  Don’t be too quick to jump back on the horse.  

Sit with it. Process it. Ask WHY. Meditate.  Go IN.

I had lost way before day 40.  I had been sneaking bits of forbidden foods the whole time.  Principle #1 admit and acknowledge your addictions. So today I’m day 7 being CLEAN (the six substances) No Alcohol, Drugs, Caffeine, Added Sugar, Gluten, or Dairy.  None of it.  

I feel great.  I feel clear and I have no interference. 

But it's still not easy.

  1. Identify your triggers: stress, emotions, mental state.

  2. Feel to heal. Sit with the discomfort. Sit with the hunger and the cravings.

  3. Learn and adapt to go without.  Eliminating these substances contributes to healing your inner biochemistry.  

  4. Build and Strengthen your mental muscles: willpower, saying NO, abstaining. 

5. The G word.

I can’t think of one single recovery and healing story where there wasn’t the presence of the G Word.  GOD.  A higher force outside of yourself.  A higher level of consciousness, prayer, inner knowing, inner wisdom, inner knowledge. 

Sometimes we have to eliminate something to get to the life god intended us to live.  A life of meaning and happiness.  

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter/blog and don't forget to check out our brand new podcast version of the Freedom 5 weekly.


If you would like support over the next month, 3 months, 6 months, contact us today to get started on a personalized plan to rebalance your health. 

Book your complementary consultation today.

Contact us today to get started!

44: Toxins in Tap Water and How these Chemicals Impact Health, Fluoridation on Trial, Water Filter Reviews, Next Level Water Upgrades

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1. Toxins in your Tap Water

Basically anything that goes down the drain can enter our water systems. 

WHY is it important to reduce toxins from our water supply?

The greater the toxic load, the harder the liver and immune system has to work.  

Overtime the liver gets bogged down with so much and becomes less effective at filtering out the daily toxins which puts more and more stress and burden on the immune system.

Many harmful toxins are fat soluble in which the liver, through detoxification, must convert these fat soluble toxins to water soluble compounds so that they can be excreted and eliminated from the body through sweat, urine, stool, and/or breath.  Unfortunately, many of these toxins do not get properly converted and removed which means they get stored up in our fat (adipose) tissues.  These toxins accumulate over time in our bodies which makes us feel sick and unwell as we age.  

Read more on Liver Detox here: Edition 28 Spring Clean the Body

What may be coming out of your tap?

This is not a complete list, but possible toxins found in tap water may include;

Disinfectants: Chlorine, Bromine
Pathogenic Bacteria
Fecal Matter
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Trihalomethanes: chloroform, dibromochloromethane, bromodichloromethane, bromoform
Inorganic minerals: Chloramine, Chloride, Chlorine Residual, Free Chlorine
Heavy Metals: Barium, LeadArsenic, Chromium, Aluminum, Mercury
Pesticides, Glyphosate, Atrazine 
Petroleum Products

Stay informed and learn more with the: Pesticide Action Network North America

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2. Impacts of Tap Water on GUT Health, Brain Health, Hormones, Respiratory Health and more…

The Symptoms of long-term exposure, consumption, and inhalation of the chemicals found in tap water vary;

Low Thyroid
Brittle Bones
Weakened Digestion
Hormone Dysfunction
GERD, Acid Reflux
Eczema, Psoriasis
Fertility Issues
Calcification of Pineal Gland
Lowering of IQ in Children
Mental Health Disorders

 Toxins impact our biology on a lot of levels.  Chlorine and other disinfectants are used to treat our water systems so that every day millions of people have access to potable water in the absence of waterborne  illness such as cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery.

However, as more disinfectant agents are added by municipalities to drinking, bathing, and recreational water to disinfect and kill bacteria, this same effect wipes out the good bacteria and probiotics in the human gut microbiome.  Long term consumption and exposure to chlorinated water can contribute to certain imbalances such as leaky gut, immune weaknesses, and other dis-eases within the body as mentioned above.

Additionally, when the disinfectant agent, chlorine, is combined with methane, a natural occurring compound found in water, this creates carcinogenic by-products called Trihalomethanes, a group of four chemicals; chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform.

When we take a hot shower, the chlorinated/brominated + other possible disinfectant by-products in the water change from a liquid to a gas state (the hot steamy vapours).  Inhaling in this hot steamy shower air into the lungs where then it gets passed directly to the blood stream.  Consequently the long-term exposure of chlorine ingestion and inhalation impacts our;

Brain Health
Liver Function (reducing liver detox abilities and glutathione levels)
Respiratory Health
Energy (mitochondria)
Gastrointestinal Health 
Hormone Function

Certain government websites advise us to open the window, lower the shower temperature, or make sure the space is well ventilated, but this isn't really dealing with the harmful chemicals.

Boiling or distilling water results in the evaporation of certain chemical compounds, but not their actual removal.  Boiling water doesn't purify or remove chemical toxins from your water and with distillation, unless there is an extra filtration step, there is a risk that the evaporated chemical compounds reinfect the water. 

It is never a good idea to drink tap water in my opinion. In 1992 the American Journal of Public Health published a report that showed a 15% to 35% increase in certain types of cancer for people who consume chlorinated water. This report also stated that much of these effects were due to showering in chlorinated water. The National Cancer Institute and the US Council of Environmental Quality estimates cancer risks for people who consume chlorinated water to be 93% higher than for people who do not. There are some significant risks related to consuming chlorine and chlorinated by-products.

Halogen Compounds Impact Hormone Health

Chlorine, Fluoride and Bromine interfere with absorption of key nutrients like iodine because these halogen compounds can be uptaken by different receptors in the body found in the thyroid, pineal, as well as reproductive organs. Thyroid uses iodine as nourishment, but fluoride and chlorine can be uptaken by the thyroid gland instead, therefore blocking  the need for iodine. In Germany and in Austria since the 1930s doctors used to bathe patients with overactive thyroid in tubs containing fluoridated water because it is a known halogen.  

This is why there is a strong correlation with high levels of these compounds and brain, thyroid, metabolism, and reproductive health disorders.

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3. Fluoridation on trial

Watch here

Fluoridation on Trial – Prenatal fluoride exposure is associated with large and significant reductions in IQ. Robert F. Kennedy Junior discusses lawsuit against the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to end fluoridation of drinking water took another giant step forward. 

Read also Canadian scientist Bruce Lanphear MD’s declaration to the court

Fluoride is a confirmed poison.   

The #1 call that the American Association of Poison Control Centres receives daily is from parents of sick children that have eaten toothpaste.Fluoridated tap water and toothpaste consumption  have been shown to correlate with certain health conditions:Low thyroid, brittle bones, weakened digestion, hormone dysfunction, GERD, acid reflux, eczema, psoriasis, fertility issues, calcification of the pineal gland, mental health disorders, arthritis, and more.Health authorities and municipalities continue to advocate the safety in small amounts, but that's the problem.  It's the slow poisoning of our bodies by chemicals that leads to an overflow of the proverbial rain barrel, what we consider dis-ease in the body. European countries that do not add fluoride to their water show no increase in cavities versus municipalities that do.  97% of  European municipalities do not add fluoride to public drinking water.

Source: Fluoride Action Network

4.  Water Filter Options

First and foremost there isn’t ONE best water purification system on the market. Pure 100% water does not exist naturally on our planet. There is no place that is just water, like distilled water. There are always minerals and other substances contained in water.

Every modality has a list of pros and cons based on your personal budget, circumstances, and individual needs.

There are 3 main methods to purifying water: Carbon filters, Reverse Osmosis, and Distillation.

Activated Carbon

There are 2 types of carbon filters; granulated carbon and solid block filters. Granulated carbon filters have air spaces between the carbon particles to trap bacteria and remove it from water, but bacteria can multiply within the air spaces. Silver is used in most granulated filters to kill bacteria, but there are concerns about ineffectiveness and silver toxicity. These filters are very economical, but their use is short-lived and safety is questionable.

An activated carbon block removes most chemicals through absorption (electromagnetically attracting chemicals to the block itself). Chemicals removed in this way typically include chloramines, chlordane, lead, mercury, MTBE, PCBs, toxaphene, VOCs such as toluene and xylene. Solid carbon block filter’s effectiveness depend on their micron rating and their volume of water treated (they can only hold a limited amount of sediment). They should be changed regularly to avoid dumping more bacteria and chemicals back into the water. Depending on the manufacturer, a carbon filter may clean from 500 - 3000 gallons of water, each unit will vary on the amount of sediment in the incoming water and should be changed at about 75% of its maximum capacity. Calculate your average daily use and mark a time change on the calendar.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis RO filters remove almost all toxins including minerals. These systems usually have multiple filters allowing different sized chemical and toxin molecules to pass through different steps including a carbon pre and/or end filter. There are also usually options to remineralize the water. RO units can range in size making 3 to 10 gallons a day and also tend to be at one of highest price points ($1000 -$4500). Some authorities believe that RO is the best way to purify water; Although there are some disadvantages to these systems and quality will vary based on manufacturers. The general life of an RO filter typically lasts 5 years and the carbon filters would need to be replaced more often depending on consumption. The unit may require various maintenance and repairs along the way. One main advantage to investing into a whole-home RO system is that there is the option to filter the water coming out of every faucet in your home.

"The average 10-minute shower is the equivalent to drinking 20 gallons of tap water."
-Dr. Shulze, Detox Special Report, April 2013

If you do not use a whole-home filtration system, there are options to filter individual bath and shower faucets. I currently use and recommend the Sprite Bath Ball and the Sprite Shower filter which is available with or without a shower head.   These are universal and work with most bath and showers. 

Distilled Water

The distillation process involves vaporizing water (turning it into steam) in one chamber and then condensing it into liquid in a separate chamber. This process removes most minerals, organisms, and chemicals from the water. However; VOCs such as xylene that have a higher boiling point than water will not be removed. Some very basic distillers do not remove chlorine/chloramine and other volatile gasses such as petroleum, oil, gasoline, and many pesticides are able to transfer across during distillation. Newer distillers on the market are fitted with additional filtration devices to block out anything that may distill over with the water, as well as, an activated post carbon filter.

The main disadvantage with distilled water is that they are fairly expensive and require a lot of electrical energy and significant time for water to be distilled (about 5 hours per gallon).

Based on these 3 methods of water purification, there is still some controversy on which way is the best way. In my opinion, there is no best way and in an ideal scenario, we are using a combination of the 3 above methods.

Some believe that regularly consuming distilled water may cause mineral deficiencies while others say we should be drinking demineralized water because the minerals found in water are inorganic. Both of these statements are only half true.

The bottom line is that;

  1. Chemicals are not good for us and we need to get them out of our drinking and cooking water.

2. Chemicals create deficiency.

3. Minerals levels in water are not anywhere sufficient to satisfy body nutritional needs.

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5. Integrative Health Solutions

Decide on a filtration system for your kitchen, drinking, and cooking water and understand that it may not be perfect. If you are drinking, cooking, and bathing in tap water right now, take the next best step to upgrade ASAP, step 1.

This is one of the most important and crucial first investments if you haven't done so already for your health.

Next Steps...

1. One of the best low investment water purification first steps (an upgrade from tap water) would be to go with the solid carbon block filter, the Big Berkey ($300-$450).  It uses gravity and carbon blocks plus fluoride filter attachments (no electricity, no hookups, portable).  What does the Berkey countertop filter remove? Complete List.

2. Remineralize your water with trace mineral drops, CT Minerals (Cellcore), or even consider a mineral complex supplement (Designs for Health, Thorne)

3. Alkalize your water with a squeeze of lemon/lime or a greens powder (Mother Earth Labs, Can Prev)

3. Start your morning with a natural electrolyte sea salt + lemon/lime

4. Focus on nutrient-dense hydrating foods over plain water (smoothies, soups, juicing recipes) whole foods lifestyle (3 structured meals for weight maintenance). Get in some more alkalinity with fresh-pressed green juice.

5. Ozone generators, such as the TheraO3, can be used to sanitize all of your food sources by simply bubbling the low Gamma O3 into your kitchen sink filled with tap water. Within minutes your tap water transforms into a sanitation station and can sterilize and disinfect all forms of unhealthy foreign bacteria, viruses, parasites.

6. Rain Barrels help save on water costs and your gardens prefer the natural rain water.  

7. In emergency situations or when traveling, consider the life straw, and/or iodine-based germicidal tablets.

8. If you are feeling stuck in your wellness journey, have a high toxic load, or perhaps dealing with a chronic or long-term illness, you may want to consider a counter-top distiller by my pure water as a next step.

Have a great week and I hope you enjoyed this article all about water and living with more harmony and wellness.

Keep leveling-up and improving your health and wellness.


If you are feeling confused or overwhelmed on where to start and would like an unbiased professional opinion book a complementary consultation today.

Contact us today to get started!

40: Gut Health, Mostly Plants, Relaxation Techniques, Stories we Tell Ourselves, Exercise and Longevity

🧠 Edition 40 Back to Health Basics 🌱

This week is all about reviewing and implementing the basic HEALTH pillars. Let's Do this! 

❤️ Stephanie 🧠✨🤸‍♂️🌱

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Health Starts in the GUT: 5 steps to rebalancing your gut health.

Gut health is at the centre of human health and it’s no wonder that the gastrointestinal system is often referenced as our second brain and the body’s first line of defence against illness.  To get well, lose weight, or fix digestion, often it’s about looking deeper at healing your gut where the hidden underlying root causes of imbalance typically reside. Until you fix your gut, your immune system is going to be imbalanced as proteins spill over into the bloodstream acting as foreign objects.  It is only after the removal of fungal, bacterial overgrowth, parasites, or pathogens, that you’ll be able to fully reduce inflammation.

The long-term benefits of rebalancing the gut can include:

  • Improved digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Clearer thinking

  • Deeper sleep

  • Vibrant skin

  • Increased Energy

  • Weight loss

There are several common symptoms of gut dysbiosis, a condition where the bacterial colonies of the gastrointestinal system are out of balance, which is closely associated with several other conditions including: IBS, colitis, candida, celiac disease, leaky gut, PCOS, chronic UTIs, as well as skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Read the full article here: 5 Steps to Rebalancing your Gut Health by Stephanie Jackson

2. Eat Food, Mostly Plants, Not Too Much.

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Michael Pollan summed up in seven words, everything he's learned about food and health, : "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

"Eat food" refers to real food: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and, wild fish and grass-fed meat  and to avoid what Pollan calls "edible food-like substances".

Here are Michael Pollan's 7 golden guidelines:

  1. Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. 

  2. Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.

  3. Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store. 

  4. Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. 

  5. It is not just what you eat but how you eat. Many cultures have rules that you stop eating before you are full. 

  6. Eat as a family/with people you love at a table and not a TV, at regular meal times. 

  7. Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline. 

3.  Rebalance the Sympathetic : Parasympathetic Nervous System with Relaxation Techniques.

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Book a 1 hour Full Integrative Health Assessment today that covers all the pillars of the IHP system: nutrition, exercise, recovery, biochemistry, emotional, mindset and spiritual balance and start on your personalized action plan.

Earn your edge, get well, and live longer!

Schedule Your Session Today!

4. Mindset & Emotional Balance

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5. Exercise

Researchers have estimated that for every hour of exercise, there is a two-hour increase in longevity.

Murray, Michael T.,Pizzorno, Joseph. The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine Third Edition (p. 207). Atria Books. Kindle Edition.

11: The Functional Medicine Difference

Welcome to Episode #11!

Here's the Bad News.  Yesterday, Jan. 16 is officially the day where people fall off and lose commitment with their New Years goals.

The good news.  We don't believe in New Years Resolutions anyway.  In the 12 Week Year approach every day and every week is a chance to review, reset, and track progress.

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. The Difference Between Conventional and Functional Medicine

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2. IHP Self Health Assessment

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This is one of the tools I use right here to help people track the process and the progress of the integrative health journey.

In the beginning, it always starts with a solid Nutrition, Exercise, Rest & Recovery plan while we run functional medicine lab data in the background to get straight to the point of underlying root imbalances.⁣

But the process doesn't stop there. Our mindset, emotional state, and our spiritual connectedness all play a key piece in bringing our health to a state of balance. ⁣

How do you score out of 100 on each of these pie graph segments? Where are the flat spots in the wheel?⁣

You may have seen the Life wheel; check that out as well. The thing is, if you balance your Health, it provides the building blocks of physical, emotional, and mental strength and resilience to carry over to the other areas of life that need balancing.

Health is the cornerstone.  Health is our life force.

The other segments of the life wheel either suffer or thrive based on the status of our health (relationships, wealth, career, all the big ones). 

I hope this visual exercise helps you prioritize your strengths and weaknesses and where you want to bring a little more focus over the next 12 week year.  

Check in daily, weekly, monthly to track progress.⁣

3. Virtual Exercise: the Accountability of Community

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The power of Accountability and Community; Both Combined!!

This right here is one of the main reasons WHY people fall off the New Years Resolution.  Personally, I find it almost impossible to stick with a consistent exercise program unless I'm part of an accountability group as a leader, or as a participant. 

This Core challenge is only 12-15 minutes/day.  You can follow # strongtothecore20 and join our virtual fit IG community anytime.  


4. 5 Steps to Gut Health

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5. Spirituality: 8 Steps to Integrative Attraction! 

One of those days....

My Kid just barfed all over the bus on the way to school and again just now in the back seat. Arranged child care and then not needing to because the meeting was a no show.⁣

Presented with a choice here.⁣

To get upset because I have to cancel appointments and am now "off track" and that everything is ironic and conspired "against" me OR roll with it as simply a redirection of my day. ⁣

Learning to release control and remaining in a constant state of calm EVEN during the surface level shit storms of life. Because they really are surface level. None of it is really a big deal.⁣

I now just see these as grooming opportunities. Preparation. ⁣


I'm going to KEEP SHOWING UP. ⁣


I'm going to KEEP BELIEVING.⁣

I'm grateful for the sun. Grateful for the flexibility I have and just grateful to be able to be there for my little humans when they need me to be. Grateful that I have backup systems in place and people in my life that are helping and supporting.⁣

These are mantras that we can use to help maintain a calm and positive energy even is a state of stress and chaos.  This is a Practice that takes Practice. 

Also, I love these 8 steps to to being more energetically attractive.  Notice how it's also about some of the physical tangible environment too. 

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