Remove Toxicity

4. Remove Toxins (Lifestyle) Beginner to Advanced Coffee Enemas for Liver and Detoxification Support

Coffee enemas help open the liver bile ducts, drain toxins, reduce pain and brain fog, and enhance energy. 

Enemas are extremely beneficial for opening drainage pathways so you can more easily detox and are an essential modality for anyone overcoming chronic illness, mold, lyme, hashimotos, autoimmune etc. 

Products Needed: 

  • Enema Bucket and Accessories

    • Pure Life Enema is the best resource to get enema supplies.  I do not recommend Amazon for any medical-grade equipment and supplies.  

  • Coffee

  • Organic Blackstrap Molasses

  • Products from Cellcore - registration code is FVvz9fYE to obtain supplements that enhance enema +  cleanup

    • Hydroxygen

    • CT minerals

    • Biotoxin Binder; ViRadChem, optional other binders as well 

    • TUDCA

*Note: you can use a french press to save time. Boiling on stove top also works, but it takes longer, and you have to strain it. OR add 2-3 packets of king coffee to 20 oz warm fluid to use for the enema. Many love the ease of using king and appreciate that it is organic and contains reishi spores that are anti parasitic and anti Candida. 

Advanced Coffee Enema

Coffee enemas are a tool for liver detoxification. This includes opening the colon pathway that has to be moving in order for the bile from the liver to be dumped and carried out of the body. The liquid is absorbed via veins in your rectum and travels to your liver.  In your liver, the coffee enema solution could trigger your bile ducts to dilate or widen. This encourages the release of bile from your gallbladder. That’s important for reducing your risk of gallstones.

Keep in mind, bile helps carry toxins out via your stools. But most bile is reabsorbed in your gut and carried back to your liver to be recycled. You don’t want to keep recirculating toxin-laden bile (mold toxins and other serious health issues causing toxins).


  1. Add 1-3 teaspoons of Blackstrap Molasses to the warm coffee and stir it in. This helps retention and adds minerals. It will not feed candida due to oxygen you are adding.

  2. 2-6 caps of TUDCA+ orally 30-40 minutes prior to a coffee enema. This supports the opening of the liver-bile duct. Be sure you’ve worked up to higher doses of TUDCA Plus prior to taking a larger dose. TUDCA seems to work best with fats, so it can be helpful to eat 1-2 avocados with the TUDCA. 

  3. Take 2 capsules of biotoxin binder (works on candida, mold, and biotoxins) orally while the coffee is boiling on the stove, 20 minutes before the enema. You can also take viradchem binder before (works on virus, radiation, chemicals).

  4. Add CT Minerals and Biomolecular Oxygen to the strained coffee to create a super enema solution. (Dr. Todd and Jay have used this to get a 95% increase in phase 1,2,3 of detoxification of the liver). A basic coffee enema yields 23% detox rate. These are both very high energy molecules, they can break up biofilms AND repair tissue

    • BioMolecular Oxygen: 2-10 drops* per 4 cup coffee solution (extreme 30 drops)

    • CT Minerals: 2-10 drops* per 4 cup coffee solution (extreme 30 drops)

  5. Take 1-2 more capsules of your binder orally 20 minutes after the enema to absorb toxins.

  6. If you suspect parasites, take para 3 20 minutes after the enema to help kill and pass liver flukes.


  1. What if I'm sensitive to caffeine? Some people that don't tolerate caffeine can do a coffee enema. Start with less coffee to water ratio, and aim for earlier in the day. The coffee is never digested, so won’t have the same effect on the body. Always consult with a physician if you are concerned, or have extreme heart conditions. This personally helped my mild heart palpitations that were caused by toxicity or reactions to cleansing. 

  1. What if I can’t hold it in? Try an enema after a bowel movement. Some people need an enema to start a bowel movement. You should be going regularly 1-2x daily. This is so important when regaining health. The toxins need a way OUT!

  1. What is the optimal time? 15 min holding time, if you can’t get up to that point, do a water enema beforehand.

  1. Why coffee? During a coffee enema, two palmitic acids in coffee — kahweol and cafestol palmitate — are absorbed into the portal vein system. This leads directly to your liver where the palmitic acids boost production of glutathione s-transferase (GST) enzyme by up to 700 percent.

What if you feel worse after a Coffee Enema? What we have found is that if you have a massive parasite infection in that Bile duct or Liver, it can stir things up and create more symptoms. If this happens, then we can add in parasite killers  WITH the BioActive Carbon Binders  before & after the enema, taken orally. Everybody is different ,but we like to add these in for tips. (Parasites can start being addressed once your foundations and drainage are covered. ) 

*****If you are facing serious health issues, always consult a physician. This is not medical advice, Always work with a provider. 

3. Remove Toxins (Lifestyle) Liver and Inflammation Support with Castor Oil Packs

Step 4: Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs have been used for centuries to stimulate bowels and increase circulation, especially the Lymphatic System.  

Topically, castor oil packs can be placed over the liver, abdomen, or site of inflammation to enhance overall healing.  It helps liver function, stimulate lymph fluid, decrease inflammation, and can relieve chronic constipation. 

Castor oil packs are commonly used as a holistic modality for a number of conditions, such as:

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Fibroids

  • Scar tissue

  • Period cramps

  • Constipation

  • IBS

  • Arthritis

**Alternatively, you may rub a small amount of castor oil directly over your abdomen in a clockwise direction and wear a white shirt to bed. Make sure it's a shirt you don't mind staining – castor oil will darken fabric over time.

***Castor oil side effects are possible so speak with your doctor before consuming internally.

Store the flannel by folding it into a designated towel in a location that will make it easy to use.  The pack is reusable.

For more information on castor oil:

The Oil That Heals by William A. McGarey, M.D., (Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1993)

This book is the only one in print on the uses of this amazing oil. Known to conventional medicine only as a strong laxative, this extract of the castor bean is a safe, gentle, easy to use remedy for virtually any illness - when it is used externally.                        

The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy by Harold Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod, (Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1975)                        

The Circulating File on Castor Oil.

“Castor Oil Packs: Scientific Tests Verify Therapeutic Value,” Venture Inward, July/August 1988, pp.12-15 by Harvey Grady

2. Remove Toxins (Lifestyle) Lymph Support

Health conditions do not just appear one day out of the blue and It's not that we are becoming more sensitive, allergic, weaker, or more immune compromised.

💥It's that our surroundings: food, air, water, and technology as a whole are becoming more and more toxic each day weakening our health resiliency threshold; i.e. filling up our toxic bucket.

Support Lymph Drainage

Do you have enlarged tonsils, or notice any other swelling within the lymph areas (armpits, breasts, groin)? 

Did the Doctor ever look in your mouth and say: "wow! you have big tonsils! You'll have to get those removed some day if they keep giving you trouble." 

Why we need to love our Lymph?

The lymphatic system plays an instrumental part in immunity by pumping out white blood cells to fix problems and is also an innate central detox system.  The  tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system connected to an entire network of lymphatic vessels that sit along side our blood vessels acting like our body’s garbage disposal.  Whatever doesn’t belong in the body, it reroutes it to the organ that can best evacuate the toxins.  

Thy lymphatic system also transports vital immune cells and is integral to the immune system by producing white blood cells, lymphocytes, which then produce antibodies to help attack invaders.

Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymph doesn’t have a pump, so it relies on the movement of muscles to flow. It is very easy for the lymph to get stagnated after a nights sleep or a sedentary lifestyle.  Consequently, there is more risk for toxins to get blocked up, backed up, and built up in the body.

The tonsils are the most outward sign of lymphatic stagnation besides skin issues: acne, eczema, and skin rashes.  When the lymph can’t properly drain and clear toxins, the waste shows up on the skin as skin issues or can go systemic impacting our organs and glands, as well as, our brains showing up as brain fog, fuzzy thinking, or fatigue.

One of the easiest ways to get loving the lymph and supporting this natural built in detox system we all have is with a morning dry brush practice.  See the pdf. handout below for instructions.

Other things such as skin rolling, foam rolling, a clean low inflammatory diet, helpful herbs (burdock root, echinacea, goldenseal, sarsaparilla, barberry, red clover), and enjoying some of your favourite exercise also support lymph.

Let's love on our lymph!

1. Remove Toxins (Lifestyle) Environment, Hygiene, and Cleaning Products

Chemicals to Avoid in hygiene and cosmetics + Environmental Toxins

Check out the EWG Environmental Working Group most up-to-date and latest guides.

  • Skin Deep (Cosmetic database)

  • Cleaners (Healthy cleaning)

  • EWG Verified Products

  • Consumer Guides

  • EWG's guide to Sunscreens

  • EWG's Tap Water Database