2. Remove Toxins (Lifestyle) Lymph Support

Health conditions do not just appear one day out of the blue and It's not that we are becoming more sensitive, allergic, weaker, or more immune compromised.

💥It's that our surroundings: food, air, water, and technology as a whole are becoming more and more toxic each day weakening our health resiliency threshold; i.e. filling up our toxic bucket.

Support Lymph Drainage

Do you have enlarged tonsils, or notice any other swelling within the lymph areas (armpits, breasts, groin)? 

Did the Doctor ever look in your mouth and say: "wow! you have big tonsils! You'll have to get those removed some day if they keep giving you trouble." 

Why we need to love our Lymph?

The lymphatic system plays an instrumental part in immunity by pumping out white blood cells to fix problems and is also an innate central detox system.  The  tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system connected to an entire network of lymphatic vessels that sit along side our blood vessels acting like our body’s garbage disposal.  Whatever doesn’t belong in the body, it reroutes it to the organ that can best evacuate the toxins.  

Thy lymphatic system also transports vital immune cells and is integral to the immune system by producing white blood cells, lymphocytes, which then produce antibodies to help attack invaders.

Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymph doesn’t have a pump, so it relies on the movement of muscles to flow. It is very easy for the lymph to get stagnated after a nights sleep or a sedentary lifestyle.  Consequently, there is more risk for toxins to get blocked up, backed up, and built up in the body.

The tonsils are the most outward sign of lymphatic stagnation besides skin issues: acne, eczema, and skin rashes.  When the lymph can’t properly drain and clear toxins, the waste shows up on the skin as skin issues or can go systemic impacting our organs and glands, as well as, our brains showing up as brain fog, fuzzy thinking, or fatigue.

One of the easiest ways to get loving the lymph and supporting this natural built in detox system we all have is with a morning dry brush practice.  See the pdf. handout below for instructions.

Other things such as skin rolling, foam rolling, a clean low inflammatory diet, helpful herbs (burdock root, echinacea, goldenseal, sarsaparilla, barberry, red clover), and enjoying some of your favourite exercise also support lymph.

Let's love on our lymph!