1: Key Pillars to Integrative Health


My goal is to bring to your inbox, every Friday, 5 things of value from the Integrative Health space.  I want this email to be something you look forward to reading every Friday.  A round up! The best of the best Integrative health educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. Nutrition: The most loved and shared repost this week from the gram.  Agree! There's nothing like a good visual message.

2. Spirituality and Mindset: 

Lesson 19: "Every Desire is created by some past desire.  The chain of desire never ends. It is life itself.  Don't consider any desire useless or wrong -someday each one will be fulfilled.  Desires are seeds waiting for their season to sprout.  From a single seed of desire, whole forests grow.  Cherish every wish in your heart, however trivial it may seem.  One day these trivial wishes will lead you to God." - Deepak Chopra

Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life you Want by Deepak Chopra

3. Functional Medicine: Biology before Psychology.  

Rethinking the traditional "Mental Illness", counselling, and the therapy paradigm.  An interesting perspective here with Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Daniel Amen on the Doctor's Farmacy.


Also available on Apple Podcast here.

4. Natural Health Education: 

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Free Detox Course by Dr. Stephen Cabral. 

Get the Course Free Here!

Want more learning with Dr. Cabral?  

The IHP Integrative Health Practitioner Course is open for the last time this 2019 year for enrolment.

Happy to share and answer any questions from the student perspective having graduated from the Level 1 and Level 2 certifications.

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IHP - Dr. Stephen Cabral

IHP Practitioner Course Info

5. Exercise Motivation: Schedule a Meeting with your Mat in your Agenda everyday. 

Do you spend more time thinking about getting out of a workout than actually doing one? 

I know I do🙋‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤫

🎄 Maybe it’s the time of year with the hustle of the holidays upon us. 

but committing to yourself.
Just 10 minutes on the mat.
Once you just start.
Almost always ends up being more than 10 minutes. 
100% of the time.
Progress is a daily Practice.
Challenge yourself to move your body everyday!

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