41: Omega Testing, Fatigue and Mineral Balancing, Thyroid & Adrenal Function, Build your At Home Doctor's Office

🧠 Edition 41

A Detailed LOOK on Health Foundations with 2 key yet very often overlooked Functional Labs 

True Health starts at a Foundational LEVEL .
 Let's Dive into this! 

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❀️ Stephanie πŸ§ βœ¨πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ±

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. OmegaScore: Assess your Cardiovascular and Brain Health

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Here is a PERFECT example of missing one of the basic foundations: OMEGA balance.  

So for you that have been following me for quite some time, know  how healthy I eat and live.  

BUT do I eat fish regularly? πŸ™„
Am I dedicated to taking that daily dose of fish oil? πŸ™„

I could improve, in fact, I NEED to IMPROVE and it's written here in black and white: HIGH-RISK.

Sometimes, it's this, the writing on the wall, because frankly, NO I'm not always motivated to take my daily fish oil.

For friends, family, referrals, and newsletter readers, I'm offering this powerful lab combo that can truly change you life! (OMEGA SCORE + the Metals and Minerals Test) for $199.00 + hst *CAD (save $130 !!!)
*No tax for International residents.  **Shipping charges may apply.
*** Your labs include a detailed intake assessment, lab interpretation, and a 6 month plan based on your results. 

Contact us today to get started!

2. Fatigue: Energy and Minerals

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The work of Dr. Paul Eck, a scientist and mineral researcher from Phoenix, Arizona has been studying this field for over 40 years having analyzed over 200,000 hair samples to determine mineral patterns.  Unfortunately, as is with much of the natural health industry,  leaders like Dr. Eck have received very little publicity and are virtually unknown.

Looking at individuals mineral levels and the ratios between the four most abundant minerals in the body;

  • Calcium (Ca)

  • Magnesium (Mg)

  • Sodium (Na)

  • Potassium (K)

Speaks volumes about a persons health status and can determine if the thyroid and adrenal glands will be able to produce maximum levels of energy.  

Unfortunately very few people are aware of how deficient and out of balance their individual mineral ratios really are.  

With depleted soils and convenience foods,

People simply do not get the required daily amounts of minerals in their diet.  People are blindly taking supplements but do not know how much to take, or if they are even working to correct imbalances. 

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3.  How Minerals Affect Thyroid and Adrenal Function

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The calcium (Ca) to potassium (K) ratio is considered the "thyroid ratio" which is optimally at a 4:1, the greater the ratio between calcium to potassium, the weaker the thyroid gland will become overtime.  

Calcium and potassium are two specific minerals which regulate the thyroid gland, so if a person has too much calcium in his tissues in proportion to potassium, he will have an underachieve thyroid gland.  Inversely if he has an excess of potassium in relation to calcium in his tissues, he will have an overactive thyroid gland. 

To bring the minerals back into balance, it always involves a multi-factor approach.  Typically, we are working on:

  1. Increasing the synergists: magnesium, selenium, Vitamin D among other nutrients.

  2. Balance chronic stress.

  3. Incorporate more fresh whole foods rich in potassium (eliminate sugars and processed foods).

  4. Improve digestion: leaky gut, elimination, and absorption.

  5. Re-test a hair tissue sample in 8 months to assess the effectiveness of the plan. 

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4. Mineral Balance in Practice

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Let's look at the calcium (Ca) to potassium (K) ratio, the "Thyroid Ratio".  The normal maximum energy level is 4.0.

This person, yours truly, has a ratio of 9.36.  A ratio between 6-10 equates to adequate energy levels, but still at a 20-30% energy loss (under-active/slow thyroid).   By the way, my functional complete Thyroid panel levels are stellar! 

The real secret to understanding human health is to understand the ratios between individual minerals.

Even a 10% energy loss will greatly affect energy and vitality.

Unfortunately I see a majority of people with a calcium to potassium ratio between 20 - 40 above the ideal 4.0 which indicates a 75% - 85% or more energy loss.  These people have very poor energy levels.  

I've actually seen it as high as 200.  This person had very little energy and had every test done in the book by conventional doctors with little answers except: welcome to your 60s. 

For friends, family, referrals, and newsletter readers, I'm offering this powerful lab combo that can truly change your life (OMEGA SCORE + the Metals and Minerals Test) for $199.00 + hst *CAD (save $130 !!!) *No tax for International residents.  **Shipping charges may apply.

***Your labs include a detailed intake assessment, lab interpretation, and a 6 month plan based on your results. 

Contact us today to get started!

5. Build your At Home Doctor's Office

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To monitor your daily health status, it is recommended to regularly check your;

1) Body temperature (Thermometer)
2) Oxygen levels and heart rate (Oximeter)
3) Blood sugar (Glucometer), and
4) Blood pressure (Blood Pressure Monitor)

Watch the above video on how to get your own home doctor's office set up. 

Thank you for reading this week's newsletter!  There's always an underlying answer to WHY you do not feel well and it's NEVER too late to start rebalancing your health from an root cause level.

Enjoy your week!

❀️ Stephanie