MycoTOX Profile (mold testing) (includes a 45-minute health coaching call)

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MycoTOX Profile (mold testing) (includes a 45-minute health coaching call)


Are you often congested or feel that your sinuses are blocked?

Do you experience sensitivity to light or swings in your mood or appetite?

If you find yourself telling people you have seasonal allergies all year long, harmful mycotoxins in your environment could be to blame.

Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold and can infest your home, vehicle or workspace. They are one of the most common environmental pollutants you are exposed to on a daily basis – and they could be draining your health without you realizing it. This easy, at-home lab test will scan your body to determine the presence of potentially harmful mycotoxins so that you can get to the root cause of why you’re feeling unwell.

Collection Method: Urine Sample

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